Chapter 14: The Return (reworked) (🍋)

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(Third Person POV) Year:1604 Location: Wano (A week later)

As soon as they were on the docks of Onigashima, they immediately headed toward the throne room and were greeted with the sight of Kaido, King, and Uta.

Uta, as soon as she saw her beloved, ran up to him and pulled him into a loving kiss, much to the slight annoyance of the two females standing behind him. She broke the kiss and buried her head into his chest.

"I missed you," she whispered.

Crow smiled. "Missed you too."

"If you guys are done, I'd like to hear the report," Kaido interrupted, slightly annoyed and amused at the sight in front of him.

Uta blushed in embarrassment, and Crow nodded. The young Lunarian reported everything that happened, and to say they were surprised would be an understatement. After he finished his report, King looked at the stoic girl.

"You seriously killed a celestial dragon?" King asked Mikasa in disbelief.

"And stole their Devil Fruits," she added without hesitation and even sounded slightly proud of her actions.

Kaido laughed. "Not many have the guts to do what you did. I can respect that...but that being said, I can't let what you did to our men go unpunished," he narrowed his eyes at her, causing everyone except King and Crow to flinch at his intimidating gaze. His eyes lingered toward the younger lunarian, and his yellow orbs glowed with mischief.

'Oh no...' Crow thought as he understood where this was going and knew Mikasa wouldn't like it.

"For your're going to be Crow's slave," he grinned, shocking everyone.

'Fucking bastard!' Uta mentally fumed.

'Shit...' Crow mentally sighed.

"WHAT?!" Mikasa shouted angrily. "You can't do that!"

Kaido glared at her harshly, and a bit of conquerors haki was leaking out. "I can and I will! You're lucky I didn't choose a harsher punishment. Now shut up, or else I'll show you what happens to those who repel," he threatened, and Mikasa wisely chose to shut up. The Oni then looked at Crow. "Show me them."

Crow nodded and opened the chest filled with the Zoan Devil Fruits. Seeing so many Devil Fruits made Kaido grin and King gawk.

"Seeing your expression, I take it you know exactly what these Devil Fruits are?" Crow asked Kaido.

Kaido chuckled. "I do indeed, and I regret letting you keep all of them, but I'm a man of my word," He picked up a red circular-shaped Devil Fruit with black leaves and golden stems. Its appearance resembled overlapping scales, and within each scale, there's a black flame-shaped pattern in the middle. "This one is the Dragon-Dragon Fruit Model: Scarlet Emperor. It grants one the ability to transform into a massive winged dragon, manipulate the elements, breathe black flames that can either destroy or heal and manipulate the forces of life," he explained, making everyone's eyes widen, and their jaws drop.

'Thats so overpowered!' everyone thought in unison.

"Holy shit..." Crow uttered. "What are the others?" he asked, making Kaido grin.

"I'm glad you asked," Once Kaido revealed what each Fruit was, it was safe to say everyone was incredibly jealous of the couple getting to keep such powerful Devil Fruits. "So which one are you going to eat? I'd personally recommend the Scarlet Emperor."

Everyone looked at Crow expectantly, and the younger Lunarian thought for a moment.

"I honestly don't know..." he replied. "They're all pretty powerful, especially that one...but I don't know if I want to eat one until I explore all my options. Until then, the Dragon Fruit will go to my firstborn child," Crow's response surprised everyone, but none more so than Kaido.

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