About the characters

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Dont worry! If you prefer to imagine the characters your own way than that's totally okay just skip through this chapter and the next one is straight to the story 🙂

Alexandra(sasha) Trusova: she is a 18 year old Russian figure skater and is competing in the Olympics in six months. Her coach is Eteri but we all know Eteri Tutzbride is toxic and controlling. Alexandra doesn't believe in real love, but will she find somebody on her journey? We will have to find out!

Eteri Tutzbride: Eteri is Alexandras coach. She overworks Alexandra and expects her to constantly give 100 percent. Eteris only focus is winning, and jumps. She doesn't believe in artistry, she thinks that jumps get all the points and artistry doesn't get anything. 

Anna scherbakova: Anna is also a Russian figure skater,she is 18 and she has been  Alexandras best friend since they were 3. Her coach is also Eteri and she will be competing in the Olympics. 

Valery petrov: Valery is skating in pairs. He skated with his partner for 7 years until she moved across the country and left him. They were perfect, together, they made eachother happy. He was supposed to  be competing in the Olympics with his last partner but since she moved away, Valery doesn't have a partner and has to find one Immediately! Will he find a partner in time? Will there be some kind of connection to him and Eteri or possibly, Alexandra Trusova?

Mikhail ivanov: Mikhail ivanov also skates in pairs. His partner, Ema is an amazing skater and they will be going to the Olympics. Mikhail has feelings for Ema but he doesn't know how to tell her, does she have feelings for him to? You'll have to wait and see!

Vasilisa kaganovskaia: She is Valery's partner until her father wanted her to stop figure skating because he said it was silly and his daughter shouldn't be doing something like that. He gave her a choice, move across the country or make Valery sign a contract that would make him pay for all her things, etc. She knew Valery wouldn't sign that contract. So she had to choose to move away. Valery doesn't know about the contract and why she moved away. Will Vasilisa return?Will Valery be angry at her? 

There will be more characters but they won't be as important as these, you won't need to know much about them. :)

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