Chapters 1 - A Moonlit Lullaby.

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It was night at the Yancy Academy dorms. The sleeping children dreaming of there desires...

Yet a soft lullaby echos through the silent halls. A remorseful song...

The music lead to a single boy. Sat in the courtyard garden. A soft yet sad smile graced his pale face, as the moon gave him center stage.

In one room a young girl with tan skin, green eyes, and black hair stared out her window watching the boy play his remorseful song.

In another room an older man in a wheelchair sat in silence the stress of paperwork slipped away as his heart gripped on to the song, a younger boy next too hi. looking out the window with his eyes closed listing to the song.

Yet still only the boy playing the song, could see the men and women dancing peaceful in the courtyard... there figures hollow... this was the lullaby of a remorseful reaper.


The laughing and chatting of teens filled the bus. A group of 8th grade kids were on there way too a museum of art in Manhattan.

Persephone Jackson, or just Percy. Was sitting next to her best friend, Grover. Percy was a "trouble" child. With Adhd and dyslexia. She wasn't really excited for this field trip. Usually they end bad with her.

The only hope she did have was to get closer to one certain boy.

(Y) was the quite kid in class, but despite that title most kids stayed away from him. Maybe it was his maturity, maybe it's the unsettling aura, maybe it's his eyes that always seem too look past a person... like there was someone else next to you... for whatever reason it may be, people tended to stay away from him.

Despite that, Percy had a crush on him. One night she heard him sing in the courtyard of the dorms at night. His voice carried a comforting tone and it melted away all her stress and fears. From that night forth she always tried to listen to his music. She has talked to him a couple times, and he was clearly one of the most kind people. Probably second to her own mother.

Percy was hoping today she could get closer to him.

Her thoughts were broken when a piece of peanut butter and ketchup sandwich made its way into her friend Grovers hair.

Nancy Bobofit, a red head kleptomaniac she was the school bully, that mostly prayed on Grover because he was scrawny.

Percy: "I'm going to kill her."

Grover: "It's okay. I like peanut butter."

Grover dodged another sandwich, before gasps could be heard.

(Y) was currently holding the sandwich that was thrown.

Percy looked away and blushed as (Y) was infront of her.

(Y): "Please, do not waste food. There are many people who would have killed for a scrap of food. Be grateful that you can eat a meal everyday."

Another thing about (Y). He was "Morbid" to most people. He always took the bare minimum and never wasted anything. "Even what we think as broken has a use." Is a sentiment carried with him.

(Y) held the sandwich with a sigh.

Percy was trying to contain her blush. (Y) despite being a bit scary was also very handsome. His pale skin seemed to glow at any source of light, making him feel like the personification of the moon. His (E/C) eyes held an extreme amount of kindness and passion, yet also a very well hidden ever present sorrow. His long (H/C) hair was always tied up in a well kept ponytail.

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