Comfort - NR

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I went back into the tower to get a quick shower before our girl's night. Me, Natasha and Wanda planned to go to the cinema and spend some time without boys, before I will go for two weeks mission. Of course, we promised Nat that she would not be feeling like a third wheel because of my and Wanda's relationship. Walking down the corridor, I looked suspiciously at my old room. The door were slight opened, and light was coming through them. This room should be empty for the past few months. My curiosity couldn't let me go past them. I took a look inside and felt how my heart shattered. Vision was hugging my girl while she smiled sadly. That doesn't seem like only friendly gesture.

'We'll have two weeks just for ourselves. I promise.' She tugged him closer and kissed.

'What the hell?!' I opened fully the door and looked at Wanda in disbelief. 'Are you serious? You're cheating on me with a fucking toster?!' I pointed at syntezoid disgusting. My body turned around, and I headed to the exit.

'No, please, my love, let me explain!' She ran after me, but I ignored her shouting. I felt how she stopped my body with a red mist around me.

'Let me go.' I growled fighting.

'It's not how it looks. You need to believe me, please.' She begged, and I need to stop myself from trying to give her a comforting hug.

'How long?' I calmed a little to not do something stupid.

'What?' Tears were streaming down her cheeks while I maintained stone expression.

'How long, Wanda?!' I yelled, sensing how more power filled my head.

'Two months.' I felt how every emotion, every minute I gave her crashed. I felt used. Everything was useless.

'We're done.' I greeted angrily through teeth. My eyes became full black, and I released myself from her powers.

'Please I...'

'No, save it, I don't want to hear your excuses.' My eyes turn back to normal, and I got to the garage, walking to black Chevrolet.

'Where's Wanda?' Natasha asked me, confused from the driver's seat.

'I don't give a fuck about her. If she wants, she can fuck whoever she wants. Now, just drive me as far away as possible, please.' She started the engine, obeying my request.
We were driving in silence for quite a long time. I opened the window and lit up the cigarette. Natasha looked at me weirdly, but because of my state, she decided not to comment on it. I smoked outside, enjoying the view and focusing on engine noises.

'So... Can you tell me what happened?' I sighed deeply, looking at half of finished poison in my hand.

'She cheated on me.' I threw away cigarette and turned slightly to her. 'Two fucking months.' I wipped my face with hands, shaking my head on the sides.

'I'm sorry.'

'How I didn't notice?' I frowned in frustration. 'I mean, she distanced herself, but I thought she needed space. I tried to reach her, fix it, but she reassured me everything's fine. I'm so stupid.'

'You're not stupid. You're in love.' She tried to reassure me that it's not my fault, but it feels like it.

'If she didn't want to continue our relationship, she should talk to me. I understand that sometimes emotions change, and you just don't look the same at someone. But cheating?'

'Don't try to understand it. She's stupid to let you go. Especially when you were doing so much for her.'

'Maybe. Or I fell for a lie, and everything we had was fake.' I was in my own head, rewinding old memories. Natasha wants to cheer me up, but it's not that simple.

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