Author Hands Do The Nome Kings Work

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The Nome King in his castle with Glinda

Glinda "thank you for the..."

The Nome King coming out with golden brain

Glinda "who's brain is that?"

The Nome King "did you really think smart wise Good Witch Of The South would fallen for weak trap of Wicked Witch Of The West?"

Glinda "you stole my brain?"

The Nome King "why do you think failing to see the Princess for who she is baby"

Glinda "I thought it banishment madness"

The Nome King "probably combo of the 2"

Glinda "you said you wanted 1 more thing what is it?"

The Nome King "I forgot with brain near you it would make ask so many bleeding questions"

Glinda "I will need that back"

The Nome King "go ask the Wizard"

Glinda "now I must know what is you need as you have have ingredients"

[Meanwhile with Zelenas party]

Zelena panicking "HE TOOK MY ROBIN HE IS GOING TO DIE!!!"

Dorothy "he took the sword you got me wolfie"

Regina "I think it's time OZ meet the Evil Queen"

Regina conjures her evil queen outfit on

Locasta "a time travel spell but why would Ruggedo want to go back in time"

Princess Ozma "he is planning on killing me or my mother or something wait... Henry can you write us to him or bring Glinda back for questioning"


Henry "I can't in battle one of the gnomes took pen and book"

Red "but without you it pointless"

Nessarose "yes thankfully that gnome looks like he was only dumb enough to take tool but not how to use it"

[Back at The Nome Kings Castle]

The Nome King "now to do little spell to get ingredients I need and I need to be strong one that can't be changed"

Kaliko "here you are sire" passing him the book and pen

The Nome King "ah good baby now to arrange reunion"

Kaliko "but sire without Author its worthless"

The Nome King "correction it worthless without the Authors hands"  he pulls out a potion "this will temporarily swap my hands with a target of choosing magical water from world even crazier than OZ Wonderland"

He drops out the Wonderland water on his hand

[Meanwhile with Zelenas party]

Henry "aaaaaaaaaa"

Regina "Henry HENRY WHAT IS WRONG!?!"

Henry "my hands are hurting aaaaaaa!"

The hands suddenly become The Nome Kings

[Meanwhile at Nome Kings Castle]

The Nome King flexing Henry fingers "oh yeah baby these are good"

He writes the Blue Fairy suddenly appears in The Nome Kings Castle in magical binding chains

Blue appears "I saw this coming"

The Nome King "Oh yeah baby but I bet you didn't see this coming"

He rips out Blues heart

Blue "I know what your going to do it won't work"

The Nome King "since see future it likely your telling the truth... BUT I AM NOT GIVING UP ON BABY!"

The Nome King "time to bring you back"

Blue "THE DARK CURSE... But if your going to cast that why ingredients for time travel spell unless"

Blue seeing very real possibility that he will send the dark curse into past transporting herself from then to now

Blue "why not simply use a memory spell on me"

The Nome King "because baby you can't forget the future you constantly looking at it. Even now I would bet all my gold, gemstones and all my riches you are looking at it right now"

Blue "it is my right you kidnapped me and are going to kill me"

The Nome King "you see one path baby and you don't see that as cage"

Blue "no more than cage you made yourself"

The Nome King "enough"

Suddenly his hands start changing back to his

The Nome King "no you got me talking"

Blue just smiles

[Back with Zelena party]

As her heart is now in Henry hands


Henry realising his hand back but now has heart in them

River "oh thank god my heart back"

He tries grab it to put in his chest only to flung back

Regina "strange I never put a spell on it"

Nessarose "that isn't his heart"

Zelena "it isn't then why did Ruggedo grab another heart he only needs one for spell"

River "not helping me worry less"

Henry still freak out a bit about having a heart in his hand "MUM!!!"

Regina "what?"

Princess Ozma "the heart us turning blue"

Suddenly the heart becomes to hot to touch and Henry drops it on the ground and magical hologram of Blue forms on top of it

The Blue Hologram "this is message premade as I knew one day the villainous Nome King would take my heart you must protect it at all costs. I have forseen his plan it is to send the dark curse into to past to change the very time line of all the realms not just OZ this threats us all the message is reaching it end PROTECT MY HEART"

Princess Ozma "the heart is my mothers and she captured and here in OZ"

Princess Ozma picks up the heart whispering "mother"

[Meanwhile at the Nome Kings Castle]

A tear runs down Blue face

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