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As your consciousness slowly awakens in the midst of an unfamiliar darkness, you're overwhelmed by a disorienting sense of déjà vu. Memories flood back, like shards of a shattered mirror, piecing together the puzzle of your existence.

You recall your own demise—the finality of it, the acceptance of the unknown. But as you languish in this inky abyss, you begin to wonder if there's more to your fate than just the void.

An echoing thought surfaces, like a whisper from the recesses of your mind: "Reincarnation." It's a concept you'd heard of before, a notion that people could be reborn in other worlds. The idea takes hold of you, filling the darkness with a glimmer of hope.

"I wish," you mutter softly, your words carrying more weight than you realize, "I wish I got reincarnated in the world of Tensura."

And with that fleeting wish, the darkness begins to shift, a subtle transformation taking place as the threads of fate realign. You sense a beckoning, like a gentle pull drawing you towards a new beginning. What lies ahead in the world of Tensura, only time will reveal.

<<Comfirmed. Reincarnation destination>>

<<Comfirmed. Race demon progenitor. Adding race skill [ Lord's ambition ]

[ infinite regeneration ] [ Universal detect ] [ Spatial motion ]

Adding resistance [ Holy-Demonic attack resitance ] [ Physical attack Nullification ]

[ Spiritual attack ressistance ] [ Natural Effect Nullification ]

[ Abnormal condition nullification ]>>

<<Comfirmed. Adding ultimate skill [ creation lord ahura mazda ] [ void god azatoth ]

[ Information king akashik records ]>>

                                                                 <<Reincarnation Commence>>

The mysterious wasteland stretched endlessly in all directions, a desolate and barren expanse that seemed to defy the concept of life itself. As you ventured deeper into the wasteland, the oppressive silence weighed upon you like a heavy shroud.

Your voice broke the stillness as you voiced your frustration and confusion. "Well, this is a bummer. There's not a single soul in the vicinity. What the heck am I supposed to do now?"

Determined to find some semblance of life or answers, you continued walking, choosing a random direction that led you through the rugged terrain. After what felt like an eternity, a strange and intricate magic circle materialized just ten meters away from you, its symbols shimmering with otherworldly energy.

Your curiosity was piqued, and you cautiously approached the enigmatic circle. "What the heck is this? Some kind of magic?" you mused aloud, your eyes fixed on the mysterious patterns etched into the ground.

Then, as if summoned by your presence, a figure emerged from the very heart of the magic circle. A person unlike any you had ever seen before, with long, flowing purple hair and a radiant halo encircling their head. The sight left you both awestruck and uneasy.

"Ugh, I know this person. It's Veldanava, the creator of the world. What have I done for him to come?" you wondered, your heart racing as you realized the gravity of the situation. The immense power emanating from Veldanava was palpable, and it sent shivers down your spine.

Veldanava, seemingly unperturbed by your presence, spoke in a voice that resonated with authority and kindness. "Hello there, it's nice to meet you. Please don't be alarmed. I didn't come here to hurt you."

Your mind raced with questions, and your encounter with the enigmatic creator of the world had thrust you into a new and uncertain chapter of your existence. What did Veldanava want, and how would your destiny intertwine with his in this desolate wasteland?

Veldanava's unexpected appearance had left you in a state of both awe and trepidation. Your mind raced with questions, and you couldn't help but voice your concerns, a hint of anxiety in your words. "Than what did you come here for?

'Oh, please don't kill me right after I got reincarnated.'

Veldanava, his presence imposing yet strangely reassuring, responded with a serene tone. "I wanted to see the first being in the underworld, and I'm impressed. You are no joke for a newborn. Your power is astonishing."

His words left you bewildered and intrigued. "The first being? What does this mean? Am I the first demon, like a primordial?"

Veldanava clarified, "No, not quite. You are the progenitor, as in the creator of the demon race. Only you can create more demons."

Your privacy concerns were momentarily forgotten as Veldanava continued to explain your role as a progenitor and the mechanics of creating demons. He patiently guided you through the process, sharing knowledge and wisdom.

After about 30 minutes of this informative exchange, Veldanava finally paused and inquired about your intentions. "What do you have in mind when it comes to creating demons?"

You hesitated, realizing the weight of the responsibility placed upon you. "I don't know. I will give it some thought. I can't just start right away. I don't even know how to use my skills. How will I defend myself if some of them attack me?"

Veldanava nodded in understanding. "You are right. Take your time to consider your choices. You will figure it out."

With those words of encouragement, Veldanava departed, vanishing into another magic circle that appeared beneath him.

Relieved that the encounter had been peaceful and informative, you found a moment of solitude, laying down on a rocky surface and gazing up at the unique "roof" of the underworld.

But as you contemplated your newfound powers and responsibilities, determination welled up within you. "Man, I got reincarnated with the most OP skills in the Tensura world: Void God Azatoth, Creation Lord Ahura Mazda, and Information King Akashik Records."

With newfound resolve, you stood up, brushed off your clothes, and declared to yourself, "I will be the strongest." The vast wasteland and the destiny of the demon race lay before you, waiting to be shaped by your choices and power.

Hello there guys this is a remake of the original i hope you will enjoy this story even more than the original 

'- thinking 


Reincarnated as a Progenitor in the world of tensura REMAKEWhere stories live. Discover now