The first Demon lords

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As time flowed in the Underworld, Adam and Ella, now formidable beings with their ultimate skills, continued their rigorous training. Their strength reached a level akin to Veldora, an achievement that garnered the attention of their lord and mentor, Shiroi.

One day, Adam, consumed by his ambition to surpass Ella, sought guidance from Shiroi on how to further enhance his power.

Adam: "Master, what do I need to do in order to grow more powerful?"

Shiroi, momentarily diverting his attention from his observations of the Overworld, considered Adam's question carefully.

Shiroi: "Well, when you've reached the peak of your strength, the path to further growth often involves becoming a Demon Lord."

Adam's curiosity piqued upon hearing this revelation. Becoming a Demon Lord was now his newfound goal. However, the concept of evolving into a Demon Lord remained shrouded in mystery, prompting him to seek further guidance.

Adam: "I apologize for bothering you, but how do I become a Demon Lord?"

Shiroi, knowing that time was on their side in the immortal realm, reassured Adam.

Shiroi: "There is no need to rush. We demons are immortal, after all. Besides, as we speak, someone is on the verge of becoming one."

Shiroi directed his attention to a screen displaying the Overworld's tumultuous events. A demon wreaked havoc across a nation, leaving devastation and death in its wake. The last survivor, amidst the chaos, named the demon "Guy Crimson." In an instant, Guy Crimson evolved into a true Demon Lord.

Adam marveled at the power that chaos could bring, especially through the evolution of a Demon Lord. As he absorbed this newfound knowledge, he couldn't help but ponder the future and the chaos that awaited them, particularly with the enigmatic figure named "Millim" on the horizon.

3rd Person's POV

In the heart of the human nation, citizens went about their daily routines, unaware of the impending doom looming on the horizon. A sudden, oppressive aura descended upon the land, casting a shadow over the unsuspecting populace. From a distance emerged a figure with vivid pink hair, her twin tails swaying as if guided by a somber breeze. Tears streamed down her cheeks, evidence of her profound sadness. This young girl had lost her beloved dragon companion at the hands of the humans, and now, she was here to exact her revenge upon those responsible.

The girl began to gather the nearby magicules, weaving them into a devastating attack. Helpless humans below could only watch in terror as she prepared her onslaught, unable to intervene. With a final, sorrowful incantation, she unleashed her wrath upon the human city.

The impact of her magical assault and the city below generated a cataclysmic explosion that razed the urban landscape. The once-thriving metropolis, teeming with life, was reduced to smoldering ruins in a matter of moments. Yet, the girl's thirst for vengeance remained unquenched. Her rampage extended far beyond this single city; she was determined to annihilate the entire nation responsible for her pet dragon's demise.

Days turned into a nightmarish blur as she continued her destructive path, unchecked. As she embraced her anger and sorrow, a profound transformation began to take place within her. Slowly but surely, she evolved into a formidable being—the likes of which had rarely been seen—the girl became a Demon Lord.

Her rampage was so catastrophic that even a newly awakened Demon Lord, Guy, found himself compelled to intervene. Alongside the Queen of Spirits, they joined forces in a desperate attempt to halt the relentless destruction of the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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