Part 2 NAME

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The passage of 2000 years had seen your influence and power in the Underworld reach extraordinary heights. The creation of the Primordial Demons, Blanc, Jaune, Violet, Vert, Bleu, Noir, and Rouge, had laid the foundation for a new era. These Primordial Demons, in turn, had given rise to a kaleidoscope of colored demons, each with unique traits and strengths, shaping the diverse landscape of the Underworld.

As your mastery over your skills continued to grow, your status as the Progenitor of the demon race became more resolute. The sheer number of unique and ultimate skills you possessed had far surpassed even Veldanava's prime, rendering you a force to be reckoned with.

Notably, you had achieved a significant milestone by creating a skill akin to the renowned "Great Sage." You bestowed this skill with the name "Eve," and it served as a valuable companion and source of knowledge.

One day, while inquiring about the status of the Cardinal World, you received a report from Eve:

"Me: Eve, what is the status of the Cardinal World?"

<Notice that there are a lot of human settlements, and they are consistently in conflict with monsters. However, there are a few settlements that are forming peaceful relations with each other.>

You sighed in response, "So nothing new. Can't wait to see some progress in the human world."

Eve continued with her observations, <Notice that a settlement closest to forming a City is in the eastern side of the continent. Its name is Nasca, and it is estimated to take about 3000 years.>

You replied, "Nice, can't wait to see it."

With your curiosity piqued, you decided to visit a guest who had arrived. It was none other than Veldanava, the creator of the world.

The presence of Veldanava, the creator of the world, filled the room with an aura of ancient wisdom and power. As you engaged in conversation, the exchange between you and the venerable being continued:

"Me: Nice to see you, Veldanava. What brings you here?"

Veldanava, his expression serene and his eyes filled with a timeless knowledge, replied, "I have come to witness the evolution you have brought to the Underworld, Shiroi."

Your newly given name, "Shiroi," resonated with profound significance. It was a recognition of your role as the progenitor of the demon race, and it carried the weight of responsibility and power.

Shiroi: "Thank you, Veldanava. Much has changed since our last meeting, and the Underworld has flourished under my guidance."

Veldanava, his gaze shifting towards the holographic projection of the Cardinal World, remarked, "Indeed, your influence extends beyond the Underworld. The Cardinal World, with its human settlements and struggles, bears the marks of your actions as well."

Shiroi: "I've been observing the progress there, but it seems that change is slow to come. The world remains divided by conflict."

Veldanava: "Change takes time, Shiroi. It is a testament to the complexities of the mortal realm. Patience and persistence will ultimately shape its destiny."

You nodded in agreement, acknowledging the wisdom in his words. "You're right, Veldanava. I will continue to monitor their progress and offer guidance where I can."

Veldanava: "Your journey is far from over, Shiroi. As the progenitor of the demon race and a guardian of the Cardinal World, your role is pivotal in maintaining the balance between worlds."

Shiroi: "I understand, Veldanava. I will do my best to uphold that balance and guide my creations toward a better future."

Veldanava's presence, though fleeting, left you with a renewed sense of purpose. As "Shiroi," the Progenitor, you were tasked with responsibilities that spanned across worlds. With your unique skills, your growing influence, and the legacy of Veldanava himself, you were determined to shape a brighter future for both the Underworld and the Cardinal World.

Reincarnated as a Progenitor in the world of tensura REMAKEWhere stories live. Discover now