Chapter Five: King Loki

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"Wake up, Astrid Odindottir." I opened my eyes to the feeling of mist brushing my cheek. I sat up and realized I was sitting in a void of empty darkness. The ground beneath me was all water, but I wasn't wet. The air above my head was freezing, but I wasn't cold. Everything around me was either wet or frozen, but I... I couldn't feel the cold or the wetness.

"Who called for me?" I whispered, "What is it?"

"Astrid Odindottir." In a flash, something appeared before me. It was a ball of light. I reached my hand forward instinctively to touch it, but the ball flared brightly, making me shield my eyes instead.

"Who are you?" I whispered, once the light dimmed.

"Who am I?" The ball of light materialized into a girl I didn't recognize. The girl had bright blonde hair, golden eyes like Heimdall but not quite, and she was wearing shimmery golden robes that complimented her crisp, pale skin.

"I don't know who you are, so you have to tell me." I frowned, "It's a courtesy, really. I'm surprised you don't know."

"I'm..." The girl stopped, "I don't know who I am."

"Why are you in my dream?" I asked, not weirded out by this at all. I've seen much worse thanks to Loki and his magic when we were younger. "I know this is my dream... because I'm having it."

"I don't know." The girl shook her head, "I don't know why I'm here."

"How about I call you... Sunny? Because... you know... you're glowing." I pointed at her hair, which was pulsing brightly, "I think I don't mind you in my dream at all." I smiled. "Even though you have to promise not to ruin my dream world."

"I'll try not to." Sunny smiled back, even though it was hesitant and secretive.

"Do you know why I'm here?" I whispered, "I know this is my dream, but I can tell that this is no normal dream."

"I know this." Sunny nodded, "Your life is about to change, Astrid Odindottir."

And with that, everything faded into a different scenery. I was surrounded by darkness once again, but there was no ice. No water. It was just a void.

"Hello?" I called, "Loki? Thor? Sunny?" My voice was just a whisper into the abyss, even though there was no sound. "Is anyone there? Hello?"

Suddenly, a blade plunged towards me and I shrieked, ducking out of the way. I panted as I leapt to the side, barely able to dodge the cruel, sharp weapon. The hell? I thought, but I had no time to question what was happening. Blades plunged down from the sky and I screamed. There was nowhere to run.

"HELP!!" My raw plea for safety ripped through the air like a knife across skin, but all that came for me were the blades. This is a dream. Only a dream. But it felt so real. The knives turned into lightning, crackling across my skin but not hurting or burning me. I glanced at it and whispered, "Thor... you're protecting me."

I turned around to find Thor, marching away from the Bifrost sphere. I wanted to race after him but the closer I got, the further away he felt. So I stayed rooted to the ground and watched as he walked towards Asgard. Is he coming back? I thought with a spark of hope and then I took a step.

Suddenly, the scenery changed. Loki was sitting atop the throne, a golden helmet with two sharp, long horns on it. He looked down his nose at Thor, who was approaching the palace. He then turned around and headed for the Bifrost, too.

"Loki..." I whispered, but my voice shattered everything. And the only thing that I was left with was darkness yet again... and Sunny.

Sunny looked over at me and her eyes glowed bright white, "This is your gift... and your curse." She murmured faintly.

I bolted upright, gasping for air as I pressed my hand to my chest. What was that? My heart was racing. Why did I see Loki on top of the throne? Why did I see Thor coming back as if he was ready to fight someone? Father was king. What was Loki doing taking his place?


I burst through the door, ignoring the stares I got from my unbraided hair and nightgown. I ran through the palace and then finally skidded to a stop at the foot of the throne.

Father wasn't sitting on it like usual, gazing down at his subjects with a wise, kind gaze.

Loki was sitting on it, wearing the same helmet I saw him wear in my dreams.

"Astrid." Loki raised an eyebrow at my unkempt appearance, ignoring my panting, "What are you doing here? I thought that you would still be asleep."

"What happened to Father?" I gasped, "Why isn't he on the throne? Loki. Why are you on the throne?"

"Is that such a bad look on me?" Loki spun a staff he had in his hands, "Why, you could've just said so, Astrid. I would've had the throne altered to your liking, dear sister." He chucked me under the chin and I jerked away, my stomach churning with nausea.

"Loki." I whispered softly, but firmly. "Where the hell is our father?"

"Did you not hear the news, sister?" Loki asked, unfazed. "Our father fell into Odinsleep last night, when I asked him about why he took me away from Jotunheim."

The world crumbled in front of me yet again, "What?"

I knew what Odinsleep was. It was when Father fell into a coma, unable to wake up. He could still hear everything that went on around him, but he wasn't awake. He was simply... sleeping. I didn't crumple onto the ground like when Thor was banished. I held my ground, even though it made me nauseous to do so and I swayed violently. Loki leaned forward to catch me if needed but I flinched away from him. His eyebrows furrowed.

"What is it, Astrid?" Loki raised an eyebrow and tilted his head just a little bit, "You seem a bit afraid of me. You're...hesitating to tell me the truth."

"I... I'm not." I protested, even though fear was secretly unraveling itself in my heart. That nightmare/dream had shown me that Loki would be upon the throne and he was. What did that mean?

And... it showed that Thor would come back. So if I were to rely on my dream/nightmare, Thor's coming back. He's going to be alive. Joy muffled by fear of this sudden change in Loki sparked within me. When's Thor coming back?

"You smell different today." Loki's nostrils flared, just slightly, "You smell... magical, almost."

I panicked, but then swallowed it down. "Nonsense, brother. You know that I am just the powerless princess."

"You'd never call yourself that." Loki frowned, "Why now?"

"... Because I need to remind you." I whispered, "So... is Mother watching Father go through Odinsleep?" In my mind, a tiny part of me hissed, This is all Loki's fault. He made Father go. Loki's fault, Loki's fault, Loki's... But I shut it down. I can't be thinking that right now. Loki is still my brother. And he is upon the throne now. He's in power. Even if I wanted to, I can't defy him. All the things Asgard does... is under Loki's hand.

"Yes. Mother is watching Father." Loki answered, "I shall let you go back to... clean yourself up a little bit." Loki gestured at my ruffled appearance with his staff. I glared at it. I didn't like that staff.

"Thank you." I muttered, "Goodbye now, Loki."

"That's King Loki to you." Loki reminded me and I gritted my teeth, thankful that my back was to my brother.

I turned around and smiled sweetly, barely refraining from tackling him and throttling him back to his senses, "Of course. My apologies. Goodbye, King Loki."

And with that, I headed to my room, clinging onto the hope that Thor will come back... and help me get Loki back, too.

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