218 13 3

SUMMER 1813-
timeline - 1

flora wrapped her arms around herself, feeling the uncomfortable cold pass over her. she couldn't even focus on the chilly night air, as she was sure she couldn't feel her heart it was beating so fast. the girl was sure that she couldn't even breath. she walked quickly through london, more nervous about seeing arlo than the fact that she was a woman, alone, at night.

it was very dark out, and flora just hoped that she was going the right way. she found that she did know where she was going, when she saw him. arlo stood right where the two had first met, the moonlight illuminating him, the cold light passing through the strands of his hair and cascading off his defined features. her heart sped up further after seeing him. he first saw her when his head turned towards the could of her shoes on the uneven gravel. he stared at her for a moment, before smiling.

"florence" he greeted, smiling now uncontrollably. arlo looked over her, her long dark red hair was down, her messy waves flowing in the wind with only half of it tied up. the dress she was wearing seemed worn, as worn as a lady in her class would allow. it was simple, no jewels or fancy stitching, she certainly didn't look like she belonged, but it was a step in the correct direction.

"arlo" she greeted back, grateful the darkness hid her blush.

he took her by the hand, pulling her closer to him, as if she was walking too slow and he had grown impatient. she took his hand immediately, surely she had stopped breathing now. arlo took a second to just look at her, studying every detail of her face. her doe eyes darted around his face, the way she looked at him making him nervous. he felt himself zone out just looking at her, unable to focus on anything but how beautiful she was.

"so..." she started.

"do you know how to dance?" he asked her suddenly.

"of course" she answered, he turned, still holding onto her hand as the two started walking.

"well, i was thinking about taking you to this party," arlo told her, "but that is probably not a suitable scene for a proper young lady."

she laughed, "you cannot just tell me that and then not take me."

"okay fine, i guess i'll take you" he joked, he would've taken her anywhere, "can proper young ladies get a drink?"

"no a proper young lady cannot" she subconsciously shivered, "but no one has to know."

"are you cold?" he noticed her shivering.

she shook her head, "no i'm fine" flora lied.

he let go of her hand to take off his suit jacket, "here," she was about to protest, and he could tell, "take it."

she grabbed the jacket, putting it on over her nice dress. it fit big on her, as arlo was much taller than her but it was warm and it smelt like him, so she smiled, "thank you."

"don't mention it" he watched as she moved her long red hair out from under the jacket. he was so zoomed in on her that when a piece of her wavy hair fell out in front of her face, he didn't even think before pushing it behind her ear.

her eyes went wide, she smiled awkwardly before trying to come up with a conversation, "i don't understand why is it so cold out, it's supposed to be summer."

"it's almost fall" arlo shrugged, not moving his eyes away from her as they walked.

"oh i hate that" she groaned.

he laughed, "you don't like fall?"

"i do enjoy autumn," she tried to explain, "but after autumn comes winter and i despise winter. it's freezing, the sky is always gloomy and you can never go outside" she took a deep breath, "sorry i am talking too much."

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