That Night

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Later that night...

Sitting at the long McDuck table was a long line of Scrooge's really big family. On his left was Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, May, and June. On his right was Della, Donald, Daisy, Beakley, and Launchpad. Heading the table was Scrooge McDuck. Oracle sat about a table chairs gap from the rest of the Duck family at the other head of the table. Pepper and Phantom Blot decided to leave Duckburg on their own adventure, leaving Quincy in the care of the Duck family. He had the 'I really, really messed up face', also a really messed up beak, thanks Jeeves, and was looking anywhere that wasn't Scrooge or a family member above 13. He looked at the very nice floor below him. He saw the wheel of a recently acquired wheelchair.

The kids seemed more welcoming than the adults did as the blue one broke the silence first, "You going to eat kid, I think you're really nervous about this whole situation." Dewey stated softly, causing him to look up at the wave of eyes staring at him.

"Now I know what you're going to say..." He started gulping, "I'm sorry I put Steelbeak in the hospital for several months." Quincy winced awaiting backlash. To his surprise the family couldn't help, giggle a little except for Scrooge and Beakley.

"You kicked him with the force of a car going 35 mph. You could have killed him," Beakley replied to him. The family went silent with Dewey dropped his jaw, while Louie scooted slightly away from the heron, as Louie glared.

"Not to mention you nearly got your allies killed, along with Gizmoduck, and Gandra Dee. Destroyed a whole business area and downtown Duckburg. Got each of my rivals to curse your name till the day you die," Scrooge said, giving Heron the oh my god I definitely went to far thought, "However, you risked your life to try and stop a problem when you easily could have ran away, took down the legendary Jeeves and Steeljaw," Scrooge, began explaining wincing at Steeljaw's name, "Threw away every possession I am assuming your mom left you, between that arm and that leg." Quincy looked up super confused at Scrooge and co. "I guess what I'm trying to say is Heron, like it or not. You're a Heron-McDuck now." Scrooge started sliding over a clipboard that skidded over to the little heron in his chair. He was extremely confused now, and at a loss for any semblance of words.

"Yeah, I couldn't let you go off into the world now. You have a lot of enemies now each set with motives to destroy you and this family. Today, you proved to me that your heart was in the right place," He said getting up and walking over to the kid, "Just need the family to guide it." He said, patting the kid on the shoulder.

"But, Who, What?!" He managed to get that out, causing the family to laugh a bit, "The damages, and the family histories..."

"Easy kid, you're going to injure yourself more after Jeeves definitely broke your beak." Della said, getting a little squeamish looking at the kid's broken beak, "Also Scrooge's feud died when your... When F.O.W.L was disbanded two years ago." Della added, and Scrooge nodded. "You're no longer safe in the outside world, and all of your new found enemies are our enemies too. Like our Uncle said, you're safer here."

"Of course you will have to come on any adventures we decide to go on," Scrooge stated, Quincy was still confused, "We couldn't save your old robotic limbs, but we thought you'd still like to have them." Scrooge handed him a box with all the broken parts and loose metal plates. Quincy would hold the box refusing to open it, it kind of recentered him. "What's wrong lad?" The rest of the family looked confused as the Heron stood at the box thinking.

"Oh, Uh nothing," Quincy replied, "Just figuring out what to do with it." He struggled to get to his wheelchair as he stood up and immediately lost balance. To the collective scared gasps of the too far to catch him, and Scrooge was not paying attention. Dewey to catch him. They helped him into the wheelchair.

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