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The Next Weekend...

Quincy sat on the roof of Duck manor and he was waiting for something to go wrong. He was getting bored doing nothing. The Duck boys and girls were playing baseball in the backyard with their friend group. He could clearly see them, and they could clearly see him. "I'm trained in two forms of combat. Master drone flight. Have a hoverpad, and I can't do anything, but sit in my room. Honestly though, what am I supposed to do? I am still out of luck with the arm and the leg."

"Pop Fly!!!" Dewey announced as the ball came barrelling at Quincy. He caught it and shook his hand off because it hurt. He glared at the kids.

Everyone had an apologetic look, except for Lena who stuck her tongue out. Quincy rolled his eyes as he tossed the ball back down to the group of kids. The Ducks and friends went back to playing their game of baseball. Quincy grabbed his arm and his leg attached them to a new arm and leg device courtesy of Della Duck and hopped back down to the balcony leading to his room. He grabbed a light gray hoodie and decided to leave and explore the town on his own today.

He made his way down the stairs and out the front door without any interruptions. He exited the manor grabbing his phone to see a text. Quincy hit his stride with his little backpack and walked down the hill, out the gate of the manor. Louie, ever the cautious one concocted a scheme to follow the heron to see what the kid was up to. "Hey do you all want to go downtown, I think this games going pretty bad. Hey we could hit up that new place on second street what was it?"

"Tiger's Sandwiches!" Webby said excitedly, Louie smiled.

"Bingo," Louie said, "Thanks Webby."

"Sure I'm down, why not," Dewey said.

"Could use the break anyway," Huey said as he stretched.

The rest of the group prepared to go as Lena walked beside Louie, "This is about Quincy isn't it. Whatever it is, I'm in," they both fist bumped as they grouped up in the back as the group left for Tiger's sandwiches.


Quincy was watching a group of people playing basketball as he passed by the court. He felt the eyes of a group of older kids staring at them. That sinister grin made him uncomfortable, he walked a little faster, but he had a bad feeling about the group. He found a nice tree to sit under as he took a nice break. He decided to look over the schematics for a project he had in the works for a while, just never had the time to get around to it. To be fair he used to be pretty busy. Between commanding F.O.W.L, making stronghold grabs, and other activities. For the first time he realized just how nice it was to do stuff he actually wanted to do, besides seeking revenge on Scrooge McDuck because he beat F.O.W.L. All in the past he supposed.

He looked at the schematic, as he heard a twig snap. He closed his plans as he shot up in a combat stance. As he looked around he watched a squirrel run by. "False alarm I suppose," Quincy turned around to two ducks as he freaked out clasping his chest. "What are you two doing here? Also what?"

"We decided to check in on you. What are these?" Louie said, holding up his plans.

Quincy looked at the duo calming down a bit, "Stuff I never had time to do while I was running F.O.W.L for a short stint. Also we have phones you could have texted."

"Where's the fun in that," Lena replied, Louie nodded, "What's in the plans?"

"Various things. Upgrades for the hoverpad, uh there's like trap designs, nothing major," Quincy lied. He literally glowed orange which freaked him out. "What the?"

"It's a truth spell," Lena said, smiling. "Orange is for half truths, Green is for truths, Reds for lies."

"So you want to tell us what else in these 'schematics'" Louie said with air quotes around schematics.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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