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"So after a CT scan we are sorry to say your sister has lung cancer".

I looked at the doctor like he had grown 3 heads my sorellina can't have cancer.

No, no, no.

I calmed down and took a deep breath.

"she is in the stage 2 of lung cancer and with her athsma this isn't really a good sign the doctor said with pity.

" what is the survival rate of those with this cancer and what steps can be taken to cure her ?"

I was really dreading the answer to that question but kept my face as straight as possible.

Doctor just sighed and faced me with a deadpanned expression.

" to be honest with you it has a five-year survival rate for treated stage 2 lung cancer it is 35 percent. This means about 35 out of 100 patients are expected to be alive five years after treatment.

I felt as if I couldn't breathe, what do you mean 35 our of each 100 patients survive this cancer.

I didn't know what to say, I felt like this is a bad dream and I'm still sleeping.

" well considering this is not that early but a bit early I will suggest the following treatment steps and you can think about it later."

The doctor was still talking but I wasn't paying attention blood was draining from my face and I was starting to look pale.


I couldn't hold the tears but I was trying hard to hold it a tear drop fell from my eye.

"Again sorry, your sister must be in the room. " The doctor said.

I left the office and entered the room my sister was in,

she was sleeping peacefully looking pale and was attached to some wires.

Nanny Esther was stroking her hair. She seemed to have just noticed me.

" your sister woke up and she was worried but I calmed her to sleep she said quietly.

I just nodded, my blood boiled seeing my sister this way and now cancer, her possiblity of survival is really low but we will beat this cancer together as one.

Just then I received a phone call and as soon as I saw the name I got mad it was my dad.

" pick up the call " she said quietly.

" they deserve to know" she said again annoying me.

I just scoffed at that.

She gave me one of her deadliest glare and I gulped while picking up the phone.

While leaving the room and entering the hallway.

" Jack where have you been I just came downstairs and you and your sister as well as Nanny Esther is gone I didn't have the time to check the cameras" he screamed into my ear drums .

I was getting mad, he had the audacity to shout at me, he was the one who was shouting with his dear wife and neglecting my sister.

" you haven't replied where are you and where did you take your sister" he shouted once again.

Rage was building.

" I'm in the hospital you don't even care about your daughter who was struggling to breathe and was coughing blood, I had to take her to the hospital and now she has cancer, but you don't care."

I screamed in the phone and threw the vase near me at the wall.

" whatever, you're mother will be there in a moment, don't worry I have important work to do, after all a lot of kids beat cancer " he stated calmly and cut the call.

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