Nation look

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Note : The purple color in the shape of a small triangle indicates the imperial capital, while small red triangles indicate the cities of each region

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Note : The purple color in the shape of a small triangle indicates the imperial capital, while small red triangles indicate the cities of each region. And further information, the nation is located on the Pacific oceans but slightly protruding towards subtropical climates, where to the west they are Japan while to the east is the United States.

• The capital city of the empire is located in the Galaxian region, where the capital city of the country located. It was named Milky Way city, this place also places with high population growth. This place also where the Imperial Air Force main base located, This place is also a city that is quite lush with trees.

• The Nebula region is a region that located on the center point of this country. This area is known for its beautiful natural scenery, one of the icons of this place is the large volcano called Crab mountain or the Mount Cancer, The reason is, on this mountain a natural stone formation in the shape of a crab was found.

• Teraria region is the second of the most high population growth after the Galaxian region, is known as the
" Region of Knowledge " due the reason there are many schools and colleges in the region. What is unique about this area is that there are many coastal cliffs that form an unusual natural sketch, Crystal butterflies which are one of the unique and rare fauna are also found here.

• Comet region or known as the Isle de Comet is one of the island-based regions of the country, this is also a famous tourist spot, the sea in this area is clear and has the best spot for viewing the night sky. This place also a place to see comets or meteors with good weather. One of the unique fauna here is a giant stingray with a body pattern resembling a cluster of stars, they can usually be seen in the afternoon or evening.

• Star Rail Alpha and Star Rail Beta are both actually two places that seperate due the tectonic activity, these 2 regions known as Star Rail region. In this place, we can find a lot of used combat equipment, wrecks and planes that have long been damaged, even some old bunkers that was the remnants of world war 2.

• Stelarria one of the areas known for its natural resources, especially minerals, gold, copper and steel, as well as its precious coal reserves with a large amount, this city is also known as a metropolitan city. This area is also a large religious area. Includes religions: Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, even Confucianism, One of the unique things is that this area has a Chinese city. This place also where the main Naval base located.

• The Meteor Island area and its main city, Douglas, are areas that are often hit by Pacific storms so known as the stormy region. This area is also known for its fairly large meteor crater, although it is not the size of the Arizona meteor crater. The name Douglas is taken from the name of an American astronomer who discovered facts about Meteors, Andress Ellicot Douglass. This place also former remnants of the cold war, where many Soviet troops at that time wanted to take over this imperial territory but they were unable to conquer this territory and many of them died at here, some old amphibious tanks also spotted in this place.

The Galaxia Empire : A guide to one of my OC Nation ( SLOW UPDATE )Where stories live. Discover now