Imperial Galaxian Navy (fixed details)

45 2 0

General or Fleet Admiral of the navy : Fleet Admiral Nikolas Galactia

Fleet Preview :


1. Nagato class Dreadnought

This class were divided to 2 kinds of classes : Gunner type and Missile type.

A. Gunner type = 10 Units
- Nagato san (BB - 201)
- Adhara (BB - 202)
- Arcturus (BB - 203)
- Alnair (BB - 204)
- Alinitak (BB - 205)
- Achernar (BB - 206)
- Altair (BB - 207)
- Alpha Crucis (BB - 208)
- Alioth (BB - 209)
- Alkaid (BB - 210)

B. Missile type = 20 Units
- Formalhaut (BBG - 211)
- Regulus (BBG - 212)
- Mimosa (BBG - 213)
- Lamda Scorpio (BBG - 214)
- Bellaetrix (BBG - 215)
- Elnath (BBG - 216)
- Sirius (BBG - 217)
- Miaplacidus (BBG - 218)
- Vega (BBG - 219)
- Spica (BBG - 220)
- Proycon (BBG - 221)
- Duble (BBG - 222)
- Sargus (BBG - 223)
- Mirzan (BBG - 224)
- Kaus Australis (BBG - 225)
- Menkalinan (BBG - 226)
- Delta Velorium (BBG - 227)
- Hamal (BBG - 228)
- Mizar (BBG - 229)
- Nunki (BBG - 230)

2. Bismarck class Battleship = 3 Units

Note : The Bismarck class were have been moderinzed with adding CIWS and Missile launchers

- Bismarck (BB - 231)
- Tirpitz (BB - 232)
- Aldebaran (BB - 233)

3. Star Rail class modern Battleship = 3 Units

- Star Rail Alpha (BBGN - 234)
- Star Rail Beta (BBGN - 235)
- Star Rail Gamma (BBGN - 236)

4. Fuhrer class Battleship = 1 Unit

Note : Is the ultimate Battleship of this nation and is so big, only one that have been builded. The design of the Battleship is a combination of the H class proposal design Battleship and the Tillman class Battleship concept.

- Betelguese The Great (BB - 237) [ Serve as the first flagship until today ]


1. Messier Nebula class Heavy Cruiser = 6 Unit

Note : In this list is the cruiser that still floating and sailing and them that are sank during war duties.

- Crab or Cancer (CA - 238)
- Lagoon (CA - 239)
- Eagle (CA - 240) SUNK
- Omega (CA - 241) SUNK
- Trifid (CA - 242) SUNK
- Dumble (CA - 243) SUNK
- Orion (CA - 244) [ Converted to guided missile cruiser or aegis cruiser ]
- De Mairan's (CA - 245)
- Ring (CG- 246) [ Converted to guided missile cruiser or aegis cruiser ]
- Owl (CG - 247) [ Converted to guided missile cruiser or aegis cruiser ]
- Little Dumble (CA - 248) SUNK
- M - 78 (CA - 249) SUNK

2. Nuclear Battlecruiser = 1 Units

- Sagaras (BCGN - 000)

3. Executor class arsenal Cruiser = 3 Units

- Executor (CG - 250)
- Jupiter (CG - 251)
- Slava (CG - 252)


1. Luna class light Carrier and Amphibious Assault Carrier = 4 Units
- Io (CVH - 153)
- Europe (CVH - 154)
- Ganymede (CVH - 155)
- Callisto (CVH - 156)
- Trinagulum (CVH - 157)

2. Spiral class Super Carrier

Note : This class of ship is different and could be said disobey the numbering code, cause the name of the ships are base on the Galaxy names that based on the Messier Catalog

- Whirpool (CV - 153)
- Black Eye (CV - 164)
- Pinwheel (CV - 106 ) [ Actual number is 1106 ]
- Bode (CV - 131 )

3. Spiral Alpha class Nuclear powered Super Carrier

- Milky Way (CVN - 101)

4. Empress Andromeda class Nuclear powered Super Carrier

- Andromeda (CVN - 152)


1. Comet class guided missile destroyer = 5 Units

- Mucholz (DDG - 253)
- Holmes (DDG - 254)
- Linear (DDG - 255)
- Blanpan (DDG - 256)
- Assassin (DDG - 257)

2. Howell class guided missile and ASW destroyer = 4 Units

- Howell (DDG - 258)
- Hanz (DDG - 259)
- Hale - Bopp (DDG - 260)
- Halley the Great (DDG - 261)


1. Centauri class AEGIS missile frigate = 4 Units

- Rigil Kentaurus (FFG - 262)
- Alpha Centauri (FFG - 263)
- Proxima Centauri (FFG - 264)
- Omega Centauri (FFG - 265)

2. Oliver Hazard Perry class Frigate = 5 Units

- Ceres (FFG - 266)
- Eros (FFG - 267)
- Hermes (FFG - 268)
- Hathor (FFG - 269 )
- Pallas ( FFG - 270)

3. De Seven Provincen class frigate = 3 Units

- Icarus (FFG - 271)


1. Chang Bogo class submarine

- Piranha (SS - 472)
- Mako (SS - 473)
- Tiger Shark (SS - 474)

2. Globular class strike missile submarine

- Omega Centauri (SSG - 475)
- Hercules (SSG - 476)
- Aquarius (SSG -477)

3. Ohio class Nuclear powered Ballistic missiles submarine

- Crimson (SSBN - 478)

4. Baracuda class Nuclear powered submarine

- Akula (SSN - 479)
- Lion Fish (SSN - 480)


1. 143 Meter Landing Port Deck ship = 3 Units

- Borneo (LPD - 581)
- Douglas (LPD - 582)
- Halley (LPD - 583)


1. Radiant class modern repair and supply ship = 4 Units

- Fixer [Original name : Radiant] (AR - 784)
- Builders (AR - 785)
- Akashi 2 (AR - 786)
- Vestal 2 (AR - 787)


1. Type 903 Class

- Teraria (AOR - 888)


1. Astoria class

- D.r Astoria (AH - 1089 )
- D.r Razan Al Najjar (AH - 1090)
- Megumi (AH - 1091)

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