The Date Pt.1

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(A/N: There is a prologue but it just has the song, lyrics and stuff. It will be released at a later date since I decided to get chapter 1 (this one) out. Also yes this is shorter than how I usually write but It's not supposed to be a long drawn out story.)

You were currently sleeping. It was Saturday so you decided to sleep in. You were planning on sleeping well late into the afternoon, but suddenly your phone starting buzzing. You tried to ignore it, but suddenly your phone buzzed off your coffee table and fell on your face.

"God Dammit"

You said upset and tired as you leaned up from your bed. You grabbed your phone as you checked it, seeing you had a couple of notifications. You put your pin in as your eyes suddenly widened. You were getting notifications from a dating app.

"O-Oh, I w-wasn't expecting that"

You said shocked as you opened the app. You made your account like a month ago but never really tried finding someone, believing that it was a waste of time. You saw you were being talked to by a woman named " PurplLv3r " You felt a bit embarrassed since your user was simply titled " Y/N ". You noticed she was very outgoing, not only nice but already wanting to meet up.

"Hey Y/N! I seemed to match with you more than most so I was wondering if we can get to know each other. Since we have similar interests I'd love to at least be a friend . . . maybe something more~"

You were reading her text's when you began blushing as you saw the last bit of text. You were nervous as you didn't know what to do. You decided to man up for once and text back though.

"Hi Miss, It's nice to meet someone here that does have similar interests. I'll be honest I found making this account was a waste of time, but I'll gladly love to meet with you. Is there any place you wanted to meet in particular?"

You texted back. You were nervous but instantly noticed she already had began typing. She seemed to either be really interested into you, or just liked talking.

"Great! Meet at the Café, there's really only one so I think you'll find your way. Just ask to be seated at the reserved table PG! You'll probably be there before me."

She instructed you to meet at the nearby Café, so you spent no time waiting as you quickly jumped out of your bed. You quickly rushed around as you began getting ready. You got dressed, wearing a blue jacket, Black T-Shirt, and Black pants. You combed your hair and freshened yourself up. Not even 10 minutes later you we already out of the door, but instantly remembered.

"Heh, oh yeah. I s-suck at talking w-with people . . ."

You said to yourself, putting your head down as you began walking. You made sure you knew where you were going, though never made eye contact with people. You didn't even really know anyone so it's not like you would say hi. You enjoyed the nice small breeze to this slightly hot day as you almost felt slightly at peace. Well if it wasn't for all the people. You walked for a couple more minutes before finally reaching the Café. You opened the door as you walked in, seeing a lot of people.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?"

A Waiter asked, you took a deep breath as you began to talk.

"H-Hi, U-Uh I-Is there a-a reservation u-under t-the Initials P-PG?"

You asked. The Waiter looked through a book for a second until he found it.

"Why yes there is, reserved for one Y/N and One Miss, PG. I can seat you now if you don't mind."

The Psycho and the Shy (Purple Girl x Shy Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora