The Interrogation

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(A/N: Sorry its a bit short)

You heard your alarm ringing. You felt warmth all around you as the soft snoring felt like it was desperately trying to keep you asleep. You leaned up from your bed but an arm instantly kept you down. You looked to your side to see purple girl peacefully sleeping. You laid there with her, smiling as you listened to her light snoring, blushing as you felt her chest breathing, you felt so peaceful next to her as you snuggled closer to her. Your alarm began to go off, you poked her face gently as grew a upset look. You did it again as she suddenly swatted at her face, moving her arm as you quickly got up, turning the alarm off.

"S-Sorry P-PG, I-I got w-work."

You said in a hushed voice as she thankfully was still sleeping, grabbing a nearby pillow, thinking it was you. You let out a small giggle as you began walking through your apartment. You quickly got ready, making yourself some quick toast, while making some breakfast for Purple Girl for when she'd wake up. You placed it on the table as you you made sure your uniform was at least decently presentable. You walked back into the bedroom one last time, blushing as she was peacefully sleeping. You checked your phone and had half an hour before clocking in. So you sat next to her, listening to her lightly snore as it was soothing. Your head began drooping down as you suddenly shot up, realizing you were gonna fall asleep. You gave her one last kiss as you quickly rushed out the door. You made sure you had everything as you began walking towards where you worked. It wasn't the best job, but it helped, and you didn't need to talk to anyone. You made your way to a super market. Letting a small sigh out.


You suddenly heard a voice said as you turned around, seeing your boss standing there as you gave him a small wave.


You said back, hoping you weren't in trouble.

"Don't bother clocking in Y/N, and don't worry you're not in trouble, or at least with me. Please can you come with me?"

He said as you almost had a panic attack, you thought you did a bad job closing Friday.

"Y-Yes sir, b-but I-Is it because of F-Friday c-closing?"

You asked.

"What? No! You did amazing, didn't Lily have to basically force you to clock out."

He said, letting a chuckle out as he opened the door to his office, you walked in, him letting you go first as you saw two officers sitting near the desk for your boss.

"Ah, Mr. L/N"

One officer said, standing up, extending his hand. You shyly accepted it as you greeted him.

"A-Am I-I in trouble?"

You asked, worried as the two officers looked at each other.

"Not entirely, but we need to take you back to the station. We have some people who need to have a word with you. Apparently you've been spotted next to the criminal Purple Girl, and they want to question you."

He said as you shook your head.

"B-But I-I didn't do anything wrong!"

You said as he nodded.

"Not to our knowledge, and I don't doubt it, no reason for a quiet nice guy like you to do so. But I'm sorry, either you come with us, or we might have to use force."

They said as you let a sigh out, you did a small nod as they nodded back. You followed the first officer, with the second behind you, following them outside to the store. You looked around as you kept your head slightly down, seeing coworkers and customers looking over, confused. You hated to be thought as a criminal, as someone under arrest, hopefully it wasn't brought to that. You made it to their police car as they opened the back, you sat down as they got into the front seats, and began driving. You placed your hands on your face, trying to calm yourself down as you didn't want to have a break down in the car. 10 Minutes passed as the car came to a stop, you saw a couple people outside, some seemed to be news reporters, other were officers.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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