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RAZIEL STILL SEEMED TO BE, a little upset with Y/N since he had no clue that she was going out to see some guy, and she was ignoring him the entire time. He'd already gotten so clingy with her, and that was something she took note of. She didn't know how to feel about it though, so she just assumed that all angels were like this, but little did she know that most of the time they were just like any other person that let their feelings develop throughout time with the person they were looking over.

"Ughhh... How can I make it up to you Raziel?" She questioned the angel with her shoes being kicked off of her feet. She felt his presence with everyone movement she made, and that was something that always freaked her out whenever she was followed by her angel. She didn't mention anything of it though, because he just had to be with her wherever she went.

He watched her move quick around her home as she kept a bored expression over her face, causing the blonde to pipe up a little before he just decided to pay attention to her question even though he was a little worried about her, "Hmmm... I don't know! What do you want to do??"

"I don't know what I wanna do.. that's why I'm asking you how I can make you happy, since you're just so mad at me..." She chuckled out that last part, earning nothing but a gasp that fell past the angels mouth before she felt him walking even closer towards her.

She felt his hands pressing against her shoulders before she felt herself being whirled around, making her eyes widen a little. She wasn't expecting that at all, "I am not mad at you! I could never be mad at you, Y/N!! Don't you ever think like that again, ever!"

"Oh... Oh okay then..? That's a little.. w-weird, but... You're an angel so, I guess that's just how you are.. a-anyway.. if you're not mad at me, then why were you acting like you were??"

He frowned and pulled his arms back, puffing out his chest and lifting up his chin so that the female could know that what he was about to say was genuine all the way, "Because I wanted you to pay attention to me! You.. you wouldn't look at me or anything! And.. it hurt my feelings because I want you to know that I'm with you everywhere!"

Y/N raised an eyebrow at the angel in front of her as the ends of her lips moved upwards. She found him a little adorable, but she wasn't sure if she was allowed to tell him that out loud, "How are you like this already...? It hasn't even been that long since we've met eachother..."

"I think I just like you Y/N!" He winked one of his eyes at her, and that was enough to cause her to burst out into a fit of laughter, resulting in a confused little smile to grow across his mouth since he wasn't really sure of how he was supposed to react, "Uhh...? Ha..?"

"You are too funny!!" She laughed with her head pushing into his chest, causing his cheeks to turn into a bright red as he put a few fingers up to the back of her head. It looked like she was just now coming to the realization that she had an angel following her around, watching her every single move.

Allowing some of his fingers to pet down against the top of Y/Ns H/C hair, that's when the smile on his lips grew wider as she continued to cackle with her head on his chest, the sound of his deep heartbeat thudding through his ears as he turned his pretty eyes down to her laughing figure. He just found everything she did so beautiful that it made him feel all giddy inside.

"What did I say that was so funny Y/N?? What are you laughing about..?" He seemed genuinely confused by her laughing while he started petting her, but there was another part of him that was just so happy that she was actually having positive time with him for a change.

His cheeks started to grow into a deeper shade of red as he perked his lips out with his head tilting to the side so that he could take in every facial feature she had laying against her beautiful face, "Ahhh... You are just-"

"Woah!" She pulled herself back with her once wide E/C eyes only bulging wider. Taking a large step back from the angel that already missed the feeling of her hair underneath his fingers, that's when he began to long for her touch again, but of course he did that inside of his head. He didn't want to freak her out anymore even though he didn't think he didn't anything that bad to her just a few seconds ago.

He stared at her with an innocent look in his face, only causing her to grow even more skeptical of what his true intentions were when he didn't mean any harm or anything dirty with her, "What is it...?"

"Why did you do that?" She paused with her eyes looking him up and down. He wasn't sure if there was a right or wrong answer to her question, but all he knew was that he didn't want to disappoint her all at the same time, so he just shrugged before he answered.

Biting down on his bottom lip as he widened his own eyes, trying to seem confused by what she was saying at this point, he sent her a lower voice than before, showing that he had no clue of what she was talking about, "Why did I do what...?"

"Ummm... I.. I just think that... Ugh, whatever. Let's just go ahead and make food." Y/N shook her head from side to side with a slight scoff passing her lips.

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