Chapter 3

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It's been a few days since me and Crush started hanging out and lately, every night has been so much fun. We would go to our usual spots to watch the stars and talk about anything. Crush also told me about all the places he's been to and how amazing they were. I wish I had been able to experience that. Going to places and exploring them. I've never been out of the city before, so I was really excited to hear about his travels and all the things he did. I started to imagine what it would be like to explore the world with Crush and the things we would do together.

Of course, that was only my imagination and there was no guarantee I would ever get out of this hell hole. Plus, Crush was going to be discharged soon and there was no way to be sure that he would come to visit me. But still, that was enough for me to have a glimmer of hope that one day I could experience life outside of this city and have amazing adventures with Crush.

The weather has been getting more chilly lately, maybe because fall's coming. Fall is a time of transition, as the days become shorter and the leaves start to change color. The air is crisp and cool, and the days are usually sunny and bright. It's a beautiful time of year and the perfect time for new beginnings. But, despite the pleasant weather, I never really liked fall. It made me remember the memories of my past, especially the bad ones. I sighed and decided I should start getting ready instead of sulking. I did my usual routine and I decided to wear Crush's hoodie since it was pretty comfy and he did say I could keep it.

"Hey Cherie, I ran out of toilet paper and I gotta take a shit. Do you have any-"

Suddenly we both made eye contact and Crush looked at me up and down before soon realizing that I was changing. He slammed the door almost immediately. I could feel my cheeks warming up. I was embarrassed and I could feel my face getting redder and redder. I was so scared to face him. I was so embarrassed that I had forgotten that I was not wearing anything else but Crush's hoodie. I quickly grabbed my pants and put them on, then I opened the door and saw Crush standing there with a guilty expression on his face.

"Uhm sorry about that I should've knocked" He looked away as he scratched the back of his neck. He must have been trying to hide the faint redness on his cheeks but unfortunately for him, it was quite obvious.

"It's fine really it's my fault I didn't lock the door." I chuckled. "Oh by the way, i hope you don't mind me using your sweater its really comfy."

"Don't worry you can keep it, it looks cute on you anyways- I MEAN I'm not saying it in a romantic way, you know? Haha." He awkwardly laughed it off. Although it was hard to tell due to our height difference, I still noticed his face getting redder.

"Anyways uhm me and Tez were wondering if you wanted to eat with us. She brought a shit ton of food and i don't think we could finish it by ourselves lol" Crush said

"Sure, I'd love to" I smiled

We went into the room and Tez welcomed us with a bunch of food at the table. I have never seen so much food in my life. I couldn't help but salivate at the sight of all the food. There were various dishes like fried chicken, mac and cheese, pizza, and more. It was overwhelming and I couldn't wait to dig in. I was so grateful that Tez had brought so much food for us. I was even hungrier now than before!

"Come on! What are you waiting for? Dig in!" Tez said

We all talked and laughed as we started to eat everything. The fried chicken was especially delicious, and I couldn't help but reach for more. We talked and laughed as we ate, cherishing the moment and the food. I was so glad that I decided to come out and join them. Even though I was initially embarrassed, we continued to talk and eat, and it was clear that I was becoming more at ease around them. The atmosphere was light and friendly. After thinking, i finally had the courage to ask them the big question.

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