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"What are you doing in my swamp!" he muttered loudly in a foul mood. He looked towards Zoro glaring at him murmuring to himself suddenly.

Zoro was taken aback at the sudden uproar in his voice. He backed away a little, not wanting to start a riot right now. But if it comes down to it he won't mind. "I understand that I'm in your territory but look... I don't know how I got here." Zoro said, sweat dripping down from the side of his face. He became defensive as he held onto his swords tightly. This ogre looked at him as just some human, some human who just wants to hunt him down.

The silence was awkward, it was quiet. Zoro wanted to speak up but didn't exactly know what to say. I mean he's in front of a creature he's never actually gone up front with before. Though I'd say Big Mom is more scary. Zoro gulped loudly as he was about to speak suddenly- "Look i don't exactly understand but i can't help you buddy. Now I'd be nice if you didn't disrupt me. All you humans know how to do is be a bother." He scoffed, rolling his eyes in a serious manner. He went back to do whatever he was doing before. Zoro was a little taken aback again. He was a little frozen.. What was Zoro going to do?

"I get that you don't want to help me, but at least let me stay here for a while." Zoro was desperate. He didn't know where he was. It's not that Zoro's scared but he just doesn't know his way around here. He wanted to look away from this ogre but he couldn't... it was like he was alluring. Was this some sort of curse, or something he just doesn't understand. Zoro shook this tight feeling inside of his chest and began to wait, patient somehow.

After a couple of minutes this ogre spoke up. "I suppose so... but irritate me and you're dead for good." he began to glare at him fearlessly, making this rough 'tch' noise. Zoro felt slightly warm, as a smile crept on his face. He began to find somewhere shady, he wanted to keep a view of this ogre, wanting to check him out a little longer. He was intriguing. But as he was doing so, the ogre turned his head slightly, looking in Zoro's direction, eyeing him. Zoro thought this was abrupt, his face a little puzzled. He was confused as to why the ogre was looking in his direction so he spoke... "What's wrong? You're looking in my direction." I said straightforwardly.

The ogre looked flushed, not noticing what he was doing. Must've been in a daze. "I don't know what youre talking about, human." he said, turning his head away from Zoro once again. Zoro noticed the ogre's ears a little red, as to that, making him laugh.

As Zoro was going to talk again he heard something in the distance, calling out the ogres name. It didn't exactly sound flirtatious so...a friend?

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