One Less Lonely Girl (chapt. 4)

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I followed the lady backstage where she sat me in a chair that was in front of a mirror. I could still hear Justin singing his heart out. I can only imagine what Katie and Kelsey are gonna do when they see me on stage. My parents seperation definetely not gonna get in the way of this moment. The stylists were working on my make up when the beat to One Less Lonely Girl started playing. They seemed in no hurry and took their time. My heart is beating at a 1000 mph.

Next thing I knew I was walking out on stage and everyone started screaming. I immediately looked at Justin and started tearing up. I sat in a chair in the center stage. The chair was covered in light purple flowers. Justin came over with more flowers and then put a OLLG crown on my head. My hand was over my mouth. He grabbed it and put it on his chest. I looked at Katie and Kelsey... Katie was in shock and Kelsey was crying. He motioned me to stand up. I did but I felt him put something in my hand, almost like a piece of paper. He put my arms around his neck while he put his hands on my waist. He smelled so good it was unbelievable. His hand slowely came up which caused my shirt to come up as well. I could feel his hand on my skin.

In that moment, nothing else mattered. Justin was the only thing that mattered. I didn't care about the screams of the other Beliebers, I just felt so blessed to be in his arms out of a thousand other beautiful girls.

He whispered something in my ear. I couldn't hear what he said though because the screams obviously got louder when he did. When we were staring into each others eyes he stopped singing.

"Um... I'm Sorry!" Justin said.

"It's okay" I replied with a smile.

"What's your name?" Justin asked, seemingly eager.

"S-Sarah. My name is Sarah." I stuttered



"Everybody give it up for Sarah!" He yelled to the audience. Everybody screamed as loud as they could.

Justin grabbed my hand and ran me offstage as the lights went dark.

Once we got off stage he said to me "Do you still have that paper I gave you? and I said,"Yes. Why?!"

"Because that's where I want you to meet me." I was in shock.

I couldn't process what just happened. He ran away as his next song was starting to play.

I went back to my seat and just stared at my two best friends looking at me with their mouths wide open.

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