The Great Umbra. [Part 1]

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The Great Umbra was once a 3-month long war that lasted between 20XX to 20XX, June to August, resulting in the famous Super Carrier Class-S: "Notorious" being destroyed during Operation "Breakthrough". This also resulted in an estimated: 63 Million dead, 4 Million missing, and the destruction of the TMHQ (The-Maintained-Headquarter) which was one of the largest operating FOBs made by the URU for space operation. Many of the planets had gone inhabitable due to the intense pressure of the battle, damage, technology's, and many other's with it's purpose as well.

During XXXX, in the space rift between the universe, a rift was purposely torn apart causing the amount of massive leak of highly corrosion energy. Damage was already being spread across the universe one by one until eventually, the Majesty appeared.

With the rift being ripped open, it not only released corrosion energy but also left open many new monsters. And let's just say, things were not looking great once they got out of it, the monsters in between we're pointed out as one of the deadliest things mankind has ever seen towards the URU. Most importantly the Void itself.

The first worldwide attacked happened in June 24, when the Minions of the umbral ambushed an Planet that house'd the base of the URU. Unexpectedly, and catching them off guard...

The URU we're first to rapidly respond to the situation by sending in the Unit's from Class-1-A. An Highly Elite Militarized Platoon that had immense sheer will.

The first battle ended after the Umbra's Minion retreated. With the result causality of over 2591 Civilian killed, 4 absorbed, and 1 MIA. Class-1-A only had 2 Injured so far.

However that's not exactly all of it.

Desperation gripped Robloxians as they watched their beloved world crumble. But they clung to hope. In their darkest hour, a group of valiant adventurers emerged, known as the "Luminous Legion." These players were skilled in the arts of warfare, strategy, and teamwork, and they bore special artifacts forged in the virtual world's light.

The Luminous Legion embarked on a operation to gather the fragmented pieces of an weapon called: "Lumina Land's shattered light." Which was rumored to hold immense power to destroy anything at all cost. They journeyed through variety of massacre's battle, battling fierce adversaries and completing daunting mission, with each success yielding a fragment of the lost light. As they accumulated these fragments, their powers grew stronger, rendering them slowly immune to Umbra's dark influence or so they thought it'll be.

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