05. blood type

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author's note:
wanted to let you guys know that this is the last update i'll be posting on wattpad and i'll be moving this story and future updates to tumblr on irrevocableloves.tumblr.com

Throughout the entire night, Edward's words replayed in my mind. It's better if we're not friends. What did that even mean? That he wanted to? That he felt this pull just as I did, but was too afraid to embrace it? Or was it just me? My stomach twisted. He must've noticed how engrossed I was by him and didn't want to lead me on. Perhaps he was a mind reader. Oh god. The pathetic thoughts I've had towards him... I was considering it.

Normally, it was so easy for me to read people. For all my life, I was able to take in someone's thoughts from just their expressions whether it was genuine or forced. I knew someone was so annoyingly obsessed with me or completely hated my guts. Lauren wasn't even a good example, anyone could see right through her act even though she tried to hide it with fake smiles and interactions. She didn't like me and even the entire school could catch onto that. My dad always wondered if I could hear his thoughts because of how in tune I was with his emotions. He was closed off, which was part of the reason him and my mother ended things, but for me? I could always see right through him and know exactly what to say to him. But, Edward on the other hand? He drove me absolutely insane.

My thoughts were thankfully interrupted by a buzz on my cell.

jess <3: Mike said YES!!!!

And then an immediate call afterwards.

Jess had me on the phone for almost an hour talking about Mike, the dance, Angela and Ben, and then of course, the so-called 'tension' she felt with Edward and I. But, I quickly changed the subject to shopping for dresses which kept her occupied for another hour.

Finally, she hung up and I went onto doing homework and answering emails from my mom before eventually passing out.

౨ৎ ₊˚ 🦢・₊ ✧

Turning into the school lot, I made sure to park even farther than usual from his Volvo for my own sanity. Getting out of my car, I realized I'd left my keys and yanked it out a bit too swiftly, the keys flying into a puddle just outside my car. As I bent down to get it, a white hand swooped in and grabbed it, causing my jerk upright. I looked up, seeing Edward Cullen casually leaning on my car, my keys just dangling in his hands for me to take.

"How the hell do you do that?" I ask with an exasperated huff.

"Do what?" He held out my keys for me and I snatched them. He gave a light-hearted chuckle.

"Appear out of thin air." I spat out.

"Y/N, it's not my fault that you're exceptionally unobservant."

I didn't want to have this conversation again. I was tired of it. Instead, I walked past him. This time not even bothering to serve him a glance towards his way, no matter how much I wanted to.

To my surprise, he jogged towards me.

"So, why the traffic jam yesterday?" I huffed. "Thought you were supposed to be pretending I don't exist, not deliberately annoying me."

He gave a light chuckle. "That was for Tyler's sake, not mine. Seems like he wanted a chance with you."

That's when I finally faced him, finding the urge not to hit his perfect face or perfect anything for that matter. "You're fucking kidding." He only seemed amused by my response.

"And I'm not pretending you don't exist."

"Oh, really? So you're trying to annoy me to death? What? Since Tyler's van didn't do the job?" This anger was new to me. Usually, things didn't bother me this much. But, Edward was different.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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