@JaneyKat13 vs. @Tygerdude

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Now onto our third battle!

To start things off, here is @JaneyKat13's story:

"Yes mom I'll be home by 8:00!" I yell to my mom cheerfully as I slip out the door. She's never going to going to guess my Mother's Day gift for her. Probably because I'm actually going her a gift this year. I've already caught her a Glameow in some fields and to top it off I just need some flowers. Tepig (Tep) hopped upon my shoulder for the bumpy bike ride.

We take the long way to Goldenrod city, but it is as beautiful as ever. We bike to the flower shop and every once in a while we stopped to look at the jaw dropping sights. I walk inside to see a monstrous arrangement of flowers. I don't know much about flowers but they seemed nice and they were cheap. I shuffled over to the cashier.

"Ten dollars please." He muttered. I handed him my ten dollars and skipped out dragging a two ton basket full of flowers with Tep lying in the middle of them. Tep hopped back on my shoulders when I put the flowers in my bike basket and said, "come on Tep lets go home."

We rode swiftly through the forest until my back wheel ran over a sevipors tail. I fell off my bike and my right leg got caught. The sevipor wrapped around me and used poison string. Tep helps out, but it was to late. The sun was setting as I took my final breath and I was gone.

I hold back tears, but burst out crying holding out the golden mask with my long black arms. I cry myself to sleep thinking she never got her gift. And worst of all I never said goodbye or even... I love you.


And that was @JaneyKat13's story!

Now let's move onto @Tygerdude's entry:

I was running. Running from what was supposed to be my destiny. Predictions of greatness had been cast aside. I cried as I held the only thing left from my murky past: A golden mask. My trainer days were over.

What was I running from? My brother, who had decided to be like his big brother. My teacher in the school I was once in told us that all Pokémon were to be one day caught. I didn't agree anymore! One thing I learned now was that I hated that stupid Piplup my brother had received. I had been a 'crazy' uncool and stubborn Yamask for a week now. I had even considered trying to eat the mask; I hadn't eaten in a few days. But I wasn't just about to become someone's pet. No, I was hunting for something impossible to find.


A girl ran through our small forest village screaming "Sorry! Coming through!" Her brilliant red hair flew behind her in a braid. Nobody noticed that, though: All they saw was her famed Pokémon running after her. She owned many prized Pokémon: her collection included an Infernape, a Charizard, an Empoleon, a Houndoom, and a Scolipede. She held a master ball in her hand. Then she saw what she was looking for. "Celebi! Come here!" She threw the Master Ball, but Celebi easily dodged it. "Need some help?" I shouted. I grabbed the Master Ball and threw it at Celebi. The throw was off by centimeters. Suddenly, Celebi flew in for me. "Celebi, no-" The girl exclaimed, but it was too late. A flash of light blinded me and Celebi time traveled.

I woke up, feeling dizzy and tired. I looked around. Where was I? I didn't notice anything. I must be in a different region. Trainers were scattered around in the forest area. I saw a village in the distance. Why not visit, and see where in the pixels was I?

I walked into the town. Houses were scattered among the quaint brick streets. A pokémon center was next to the local gym, and a pokémart was next to a statue of the legendary Suicine and a pond.

Suddenly, a mighty roar was heard behind me.

It was Dialga. The legendary time traveling Pokémon. Celebi appeared behind me, and Dialga gave another roar, which beckoned Celebi from behind me. They talked in their Pokémon language, and suddenly a trainer appeared behind them. "Dialga, come here!" He threw a master ball at him, but a powerful beam crushed it like a fly. And then, like a dream, I could understand what Celebi and Dialga were saying: "Celebi, you have disrupted the time flow. You will punished." "No, please, just take the boy. I brought him to stop the fire!" "Celebi, you can't do that! It is supposed to happen!" My Abra, which had been telepathically telling me what they were saying, timidly told Dialga "Celebi never meant to do any harm!" Then Dialga roared again and my Abra fell to the ground. Then I lost consciousness.

I awoke to the smell of smoke. The town, which was once prospering, was engulfed in flames, as Dialga had said. I reached for my pokéball, but none were there! Instead, there was only a golden mask. I wasn't human anymore! Dialga had turned me into a Yamask! Then I ran. From what? I didn't know.

~End of Flashback~

"Piplup, use water gun!" Piplup shot a beam of water at me. It barely missed my head. I spoke in Pokémon to Piplup: "Leave me alone! I'm trying to find Dialga!" Piplup squeaked back. "Yep. And I'm Suicine!" Would someone ever believe me? I looked at the mask for the millionth time. My trainer days. It was the happiest day of my life when I got Squirtle. Catching Pokémon. Taking care of them. Getting gym badges. Beating the Elite 4. Just hanging out with my Pokémon. Hanging out with Rodney, my brother. Giving him his own Pokémon. Suddenly a barrage of seeds hit me, and a pokéball enclosed me into it. Would I ever become human again?


And that was @Tygerdude's story. Comment down below which is your favorite. I have to admit, both were very short XD.

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