- Chapter 3 -

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(alarm clock ringing) ─ "beep beep! beep.."

"uggh oh my god i'm up!" hitting my alarm clock lightly that woke me up from my beauty sleep.

"hm, what time is it anyway?" I sat up and looked at the clock that read 8:30 am. After a little bit of stretching and fixing myself for awhile, i made my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower before i get dressed to visit the Doodlebops.

"okay, i feel so much better now!" stepping out of the shower and wrapping myself in a small white towel, then heading to my closet to pick an outfit for today's interview with the Doodlebops, Rooney did say that i didn't have to dress formal, but that doesn't mean i can't dress to impress still right?

"okay, i feel so much better now!" stepping out of the shower and wrapping myself in a small white towel, then heading to my closet to pick an outfit for today's interview with the Doodlebops, Rooney did say that i didn't have to dress formal, but...

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(ofc if you don't like the outfit choice, you can always imagine your outfit you want urself!)
After i dryed myself, put my outfit and makeup on, blow-dryed, and fixed my hair. I felt great!
(if you don't want makeup on, just imagine you don't have it!)

After 20 minutes i spent making myself look good for the interview, i then took some quick pics of myself. And made sure i looked okay for the interview with the Doodlebops!

After i took the pics, i quickly went to the kitchen to make me some coffee and pancakes to eat/drink before i go, i'm not going in a for a interview with a empty stomach.

After i took the pics, i quickly went to the kitchen to make me some coffee and pancakes to eat/drink before i go, i'm not going in a for a interview with a empty stomach

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After i was done eating, i decided to pack up my guitar in it's case, and grab my purse from my room. I then carried both my purse and guitar to my car, i put my guitar in the backseat, While i was starting my car then drove off to the interview, i had to make quick stops but made it to the interview in no time!

- Few Minutes Before Y/N Got There -

< Rooney's POV >

oh my gosh!, today is the day we might have found a new member to join our band! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time, nothing could possibly go wrong, right?

i haven't exactly told the other two yet, i just hope there okay with it since she is coming today.. i might wanna go tell them now before she gets here.

i made my way to the main room where moe and deedee was sitting on the couch watching tv. "Hey guys! what ya watching?"

"oh nothing! just some action movie moe wanted to watch" said deedee.
"it's so good rooney, you should come watch with us!" moe said.

"i appreciate the offer, but i actually have something to tell you guys" they both stop what their doing and turn to face me. "i really hope you guys approve of this and won't get mad at the idea.. ── okay so i got this email from this girl, her name is Y/N and she was asking about becoming a member of the band, and so because she was so kind, and she had experience with instruments ever since she was a little kid, so i ended up deciding she can come for a interview with us, and see what she has to be a part of the group!" please don't be mad at me that i didn't tell you guys sooner i-"

"woah- there rooney slow down, ofc we ain't mad!" we would love to meet this incredible
Y/N, we trust you rooney!

I then took deep breaths to calm down after i found out that they didn't mind. Why did i believe that they would get mad? of course they wouldn't!

We're family after all and we always support each other's decisions!

deedee jumps excitedly "soo when is she coming to interview with us?!"  i look up at deedee while laughing nervously, "well actually she is supposed to be coming any minute now.."

Moe and Deedee both go silent for a few minutes while staring at me in shock
"WHATTT?!!!!!" they then both jump up in excitement.

"knock knock knock"

We all then turn our head to the door.

Deedee giggles "that must be her!"

- Back To Y/N'S POV -

i nervously knock on the Doodlebops's door, and wait for someone to open the door.

After waiting at the door for a little bit, the doors fly open abruptly.

"Welcome in!" all three of them say at the same time with smiles on there faces. I give a small smile back and wave "Hello! thank you so much for having me!" i slowly step inside placing my guitar against the wall, so i can greet them properly.

"We're glad you can make it Y/N!" I'm Deedee but Dee for short! The blue guy beside me is Rooney! Wow, Rooney is much taller and handsome in person, like what?!

"Hello! I'm Rooney Doodle!" i'm the one that spoke to you over the phone yesterday night! It's an honor to finally meet you in person! as he speaks with a big smile, and holding out his hand to shake and i gladly take his hand and give him a smile back.

I turned to see Moe who was more quiet then usual, Deedee and Rooney also turn to see Moe just staring at me with pink cheeks, "Moe! don't be rude to guests!" Deedee says, while Rooney nods in agreement.

I look at him with a big smile and hold my hand out to shake hands with him, since he's nervous i'll just say hello first right? "Hello Moe! I'm Y/N! it's nice to meet you"
Moe finally snaps out and shakes my hand

"it's nice to meet you too Y/N" Moe said,
while looking strongly at me.

End Of Chapter 3!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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