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"Amora, how do you think that went today?" Amora smiled as she wiped the sweat from her face.

"Sorry I'm extremely sweaty right now, my car was hot," she fanned her face several times. "Sorry, what was the question?"

"How do you think practice went today?"

"Oh," Amora laughed. "Sorry, I'm like totally zoned out. Um, how do I think practice went today? Um, I think it went. Well, the cars seem to like this track a lot more and I'm pumped since it's a home race for me. I love seeing all the fans around in the stans when I drive."

"You have time to look at the stands?"

"Not really, but I see the blur," She ran he hand in the air as she laughed and tucked her sweaty hair behind her ears. "Jesus, fuck it's hot." She unzipped her suit and yanked her arms out letting it hang around her waist as she took a drink.

"Will Rudy be making an appearance this weekend, since it's your home race?"

"No, he is busy with filming. We've both been so busy lately," Amora laughed. "I have my training and Marsh."

"How is that going? Having to juggle a kid and still keep up with the intense training for Formula One?"

"Better than I would like to admit. Since Luca lives with us now too it's kind of like a trait off. I have the daytime workouts so I watch Marsh in the evening since she doesn't like to fall asleep without me. That also gives Luca time to sleep peacefully since he has to work out in the evening. It's a lot, but we make it work," Amora smiled as she wiped her forehead off on her sleeve.

"Amma!" Marsha yelled as she ran into the booth. Amora smiled as Marsha hugged her leg. "Help, help." The little girl laughed.

"With what? Are you running from Luca?" Amora asked as she looked around.

"I'm hiding from him. Hide me," She begged and Amora nodded as she gestured for her to sit under the covered table. Marsha sat under the tablecloth.

"Oh look here Luca comes," Amora laughed as her brother jogged up to her.

"I know she can find you," He pointed a finger at her face as he took a deep breath.

"You seem a little worn out Brother, any reason in particular?" Amora asked as she kept herself from laughing.

"Where is she?" Luca laughed. "I know you help her hide."

"This time I didn't actually, she went that way. Something about finding her favorite driver," Amora laughed and he sighed rubbing his forehead.

"I don't want to get kicked out of Mercedes garage again," He muttered as he jogged off. Amora looked at the camera and then smiled.

"That's my brother, everyone, he's been kicked out of the Mercedes garage. And Marsha's favorite driver is Lewis Hamilton. It's been confirmed more than once for those of you who want to know. Marsh, you can come out," Amora looked back to see Luca's head disappear. "He's gone." Marsha crawled out laughing as she raised her arms. Amora picked her up and smiled.

"What would you like to say to everyone?" Amora asked.

"I am very good a hide and go seek," Marsha giggled.

"Come here sweetheart," Lewis came over as Marsha leaned toward him.

"It hurts," Amora sighed as she let Marsha go to Lewis. "That I'm not her favorite driver. It really hurts me." She smiled as Lewis talked quickly to Marsha. The little girl nodded her head happily.

"I bet it does, why are her reasons for Lewis being her favorite?"

"He's a world champion," Amora sighed as she shook her head.

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