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"Amora, I'm being asked to ask if you are okay?" Henry radioed.

"Perfect," Amora sighed as she overtook Ocon. She was now behind Charles getting into a DRS train. "Ahchooo! God, what am I even allergic to here?" Amora sniffed a few times as she kept her car straight.

"How many times have you sneezed so far?" Henry asked.

"Too many, it's starting to get on my nerves," Amora sighed as she went around a corner taking the outside as she got ahead forcing Charles to let her through. "Alright Henry, give me the go-ahead to overtake Daniel."

"We are switching to plan B, actually, you will not be overtaking Daniel," Henry radioed. Amora sat there for a moment confused. She was faster than Daniel. She would be able to make it up to the podium at least.

"Wait, what? Why?" Amora asked as she sneezed once more. "God! Everyone is pissing me off today!"

"I'm sorry, we've changed the plans. Don't overtake Daniel, you've been given a warning," Henry sighed. He knew that everyone was going to be confused as to why they weren't letting Amora pass him. Amora was faster in the Renault car than Daniel was. She was put in time out though from the last race since she caught the car on fire.

"It seems like they aren't letting Fiorre pass Ricciardo?"

"That's odd. She is the fastest driver on the team. They should let her around and it would get the team more points."

"Yeah, well from the last race in Italy, she burned the car getting them those points. I guess they didn't appreciate that."

Amora stayed behind Daniel for the rest of the race. She finished P6 and he was P5. Amora was happy for Daniel, but she didn't like that they kept her from points. That is the only reason she is on the team and they weren't even going to let her do that. When she got out of the car. Laurent was the first person she saw.

"I know you are probably mad," He held his hands up. Amora ripped the velcro and unzipped her suit.

"Um, yeah, I am quite mad," Amora added.

"Don't act so childish, you have to understand that sometimes we can't favor you. We have to give opportunities to Daniel as well," Laurent stared at her. Amora just rolled her eyes as she laughed.

"Yeah, that's the reason. You wanted to spare Daniel's feelings. Daniel can fend for himself," Amora added as she yanked the sleeves off her arms. "The only reason we can't get on the podium is because the car is a piece of shit."

"Watch what you say to me, you aren't invincible Amora, you are still a woman. You are young and naive. You do dangerous things while racing, yeah you are talented, but racing is so much more than that. I can get you off the grid so fast. Even with your seat at Aston Martin. Do you think they would still take you if I, an experienced team member, a man who knows what he's talking about say that you were hard to handle and shouldn't be given a seat," Laurent threatened as he poked at her chest. Amora glared up at him as she took a deep breath.

"All I'm saying is you should think about your strategies. That one cost you points," Amora added as she backed away from him and shook her head. She saw a camera and looked away as she walked back toward the paddock.

"Amora," Daniel called as she turned around plastering a smile on her face.

"Great driving," She laughed and gave him a hug.

"Yeah, uh thanks," Daniel smiled as they walked into the paddock together the mechanics all congratulating them as they moved to their driver's rooms. Amora was going to have a fun time with the interviewers after they all saw her slightly outburst. It wasn't fair. Nothing was fair for her. She always had to fight with people. She got herself water and left trying to get the interviews before any real damage could be done. She saw Matt on the outside and he grabbed her before anyone else could.

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