Got eyes for you

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"Alright, talk to you later." Madison said with a smile over the call. Celia groaned in suprise, confused as to why she was leaving so soon, "what? Where are you going?" She said with a harsh tone, still composing an innocent voice. Madison paused before responding, "Just going out with my friends."

Celia scowled over the phone, "Where are you going?" She questioned, keeping a calm composure. Madison happily responded, "Just to the local park." Growing a bit impatient, Madison hurried the conversation by saying she really needed to go and reassured Celia they'll talk later in the day.

Celia let out a defeated 'bye' before the call ended. She stared at her phone for a moment or two, thinking about what to do now that Madison would be gone for a few hours. Using her right foot, she pushed away from the desk on her chair. Fingers intertwined, she looked around the same room she's seen her whole life, inspecting every inch of those four walls with hopes that some idea could spark in her mind for something to do.

Sighing, she lifted herself from the chair and walked around the small room for a few minutes, pacing the floor trying to let ideas through. She slowly became irritated that nothing was coming to her. She had nothing. "Bag pula." she hissed to herself. Celia quickly paced over to her desk and instantly grabbed her phone, hesitating to messaging Madison. Her thumbs were hovered just slightly above the screen, but there was nothing she could say.

Was it then one small stupid idea came to her head, a smile painted itself on her face as she went onto snap chat and on the maps, instantly checking the area around her, she found Madison's location and sure enough, she was at the local park. It wasn't too far from Celia's apartment, so her smile grew wider as she rushed to her shoes. Tying her laces couldn't have gone any slower, but she managed to get them into a loose knot before heading straight out of the door.

Once out, she sprinted down the stairs with ease and headed straight out of the building. Shaking her head as she caught her breath, the girl began to fast walk to the local park, nerves caught up in her throat and chest. However, she didn't let that stop her from committing to the idea.

With a few road crossings later, and she was there, just on the outskirts of the park. She could see children with their parents, playing on the swings, running around chasing each other. Celia didn't want to go straight into the park until she got sight of Madison and whoever she was with.

In attempts to look unrecognisable, her head would always tilt down to the ground, so none of Madison's friends could point her out. For whatever reason, she couldn't spot any of them. Maybe they were walking around the park, she thought. After a few more minutes of walking later, she spotted one of them, not wanting to have him see her, Celia rushed over to a nearby bench and sat down yet still keeping close eye on the friend.

The guy moments later was greeted by a few others, which Celia only assumed were Madison's friends also. She watched them closely as they all crowded around a bench with some food. There were two girls and two guys, not including Madison. This made Celia curious as she was nowhere to be seen. The perplexed girl looked around to see if she could see her, yet she couldn't.

Celia shook her head. She checked her phone to see Madison's location, and it was off now? Celia inspected closer, and yes, sure enough, Madison's location was off. This caused Celia to panic momentarily. She looked around frantically for Madison, even standing up to get a better view of the people around. Celia sat back down in disappointment as she only went to the park just to see her.

Now, there was no point.

Celia went to stand up and was ready to walk back to her apartment. However, something caught her attention, Celia heard someone say Madison's name, a girl say her name. She turned to the group of friends, and finally, her eyes caught onto Madison. A relief rushed all throughout her mind and body but was soon replaced with a hint of jealousy.

She returned to her seat on the bench and inspected closer to the group. She was just near enough so she could hear the conversations between them. She watched intensely, especially Madison. Celia began to sit uncomfortably as jealousy started to work its way through her body, questioning all the reasons why Madison would spend time with them when she could just spend them with her. She was even more jealous of the fact that one of her friends kept touching Madison's shoulder every time she laughed.

"Is that necessary?" Celia scoffed to herself with an eye role. "You don't need to keep touching Madison's shoulder when you laugh you stupid bitch." Celia sighed as this was just torture for her and she couldn't just sit in a park all day watching Madison have fun without her.

She stood up and started walking to the exit of the park. Not bothering to turn back to see them, she'd seen enough by now. However, she had already started to miss Madison's face and her body and the way she moved. She wished she could just text her, asking if she's having fun and seeing what Madison's reaction would be to recieve her message. But that wouldn't be like Celia. She doesn't want Madison to be having fun with random people she doesn't know. It wasn't fair.

Celia shook off all the temptations and slowly walked home, not even feeling remotely excited to be there. She had nothing to do, she didn't want to do anything unless it was with Madison. When she finally got home and sat back down on her chair, she sighed, letting the silence drown the room.

Completely defeated she opened her phone to message Madison.

'I miss you'

Is all she put. Still staying on the conversation waiting and hoping to see Madison go online and read her message. To her suprise it wasn't long before it was seen. Her eyes widened as a small smile pushed her cheeks up, awaiting the reply.

'I can come over and check on you if you want?'

Celia's smile brightened and her fingers quickly went to work typing the response.

'Yea. I'd like that :)'

Celia squealed a bit in excitement, knowing that Madison would be coming over soon.

'Okay, be there in a few minutes then :)'

Celia liked the message and turned her phone off, a bit of a blush covering her face.

"She loves me." Celia said to herself with a little laugh.

Now all she needed to do was wait for Madison to be at her door.

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