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The minutes felt like hours as she waited so impatiently for Madison to arrive. Her body twitched and moved as the eagerness grew stronger in her. "Come on, hurry up."  she whined through her teeth. She quickly stood up to go check and see through her window. The passing minutes drove her crazy, and the thought of Madison appearing at her door at any moment felt like a fever dream.

One minute.

Two more minutes.

Another minute.

A knock at the door.

Celia rushed straight off of the bed, her feet barely even hitting the floor when she launched. Tiptoeing along the floor boards with great haste, her hands could barely touch the door handle before she swung it open. Her face glistened as soon as she saw Madison, the way she stood so calmly, relaxed, her hair was a mess, but Celia didn't care, that shaggy mop on her head looked so cute.

"Hey," Celia yelped, like she was trying to contain her own excitement. Madison stood there, a pleasing smile painted on her face.

"Hey Celia." She warmly chuckled, Celia stepped back so Madison could enter. After shuffling feet, the door was finally shut and locked behind the two. Madison took off her shoes and hoodie, forcing her to fix up her creased shirt and disorganised hair once again.

"Sorry I took so long." She huffed, still fiddling with her hair, strands falling gracefully between her fingers. Adoring the sight, Celia smiled, her face uncontrollably scrunching up in happiness, "Aw, it's okay." Subconsciously, the two were heading straight for Celia's room, Madison just sat down on the bed, making herself comfortable while Celia paced the floor, her nerves getting the best of her.

"So uhm, I thought you were spending the day with your friends," she awkwardly grumbled, "what changed?"

Madison looked up at her, a comforting smile resting easily on her lips. "Well, I haven't seen you for ages, so I thought I'd check in, I suppose." Her tone was so calm. It almost felt like she had no worry in the world, which unnerved Celia. Right now, she's a wreck and can't even concentrate just because Madison is here, whereas it doesn't seem so hard for Madison. Was she just good hiding things, or was she just acting like any normal friend would?

"O-oh right, okay, well, it's sweet of you." Celia added. She was so fed up of pacing all the time, so she just sat down next to Madison. She tried to keep her eyes to herself, but it was hard. They kept trailing back to Madison, and it was so blazingly obvious, too, because of how they sat on the bed, they were right next to each other, so that means Celia would have to purposefully move her head to look at Madison and it's hard not to notice.

Madison's eyes glistened whilst looking at Celia, "So... how are you?" Her tone seemed unsure. Was she feeling awkward?
Celia grapsed onto the bed sheets subtly, nervousness creeping up her body.

"I'm okay, I guess." Though nothing too drastic has happened, her tone hints sadness, she seemed worried that maybe this won't go as planned anymore. She was all so excited to meet Madison and see her, but she wasn't so sure if the feelings were reciprocated.

Raising a brow, Madison looked at her with concern, "You okay Celia?" She asked.


"Oh... Are you sure?"



The silence felt too loud at this point. The two just sat there awkwardly, nothing really happening. Celia was more bothered that Madison wasn't interested in her. What if she really did just see Celia as a friend and not as something more?

*** Celia's POV ***

Fuck. Did I mess up? I felt too dry then. Is she really not that interested in me? What a stupid bitch man. Am I the stupid bitch?

Wait, no. She's on her fucking phone. I hate the idea that she's more interested in her stupid friends than me. I look over to her and hope that I can try catch her attention, but she seems so invested in whatever conversation she's having with whatever stupid bitch.

"Who are you texting?" I ask, hoping she'll finally give a fuck about me. She looked at me, with those soft eyes of hers. Sometimes, in the perfect sunlight, they look green. I love them so much.

"Just my mum." She said in that stupid British accent. The only thing I hate about her is the fact she's British. When I first met her, she just moved to LA, I'm one of the first friends she's made in this city and probably the first decent friend I've made here, and ofcourse she's British. I'm not going to be picky with my friends here, but come on, why? Why England?

Regardless, I still feel a little sceptical about her answer, so I try and pry for more, clearer answers. "What are you talking about?"

"Hm, she's asking about my friends." She shrugged. With a sigh, she threw her phone and the bed and instantly stretched, leading into her just falling on her back on the bed with a relieved groan.

(It sounded kinda hot.)

I notice she isn't paying attention, so I take it as a perfect opportunity to just slowly snatch her phone and hide it. I want it to be somewhere she won't ever find, but right now, my pocket is going to have to do.

She looks up to me with a smile. For some reason, her face looks red, almost like she is blushing? Fuck is she actually blushing?

"You okay?" I ask, curious to know more about this pink hue on her cheeks. With a calm look on her face, her smile grew, "yea.. I'm just feeling kinda cold, you know?"  She said softly. She seems in a better mood now.

I can't even help it, but I can already feel the smile on my face. "Yea?" This is it. I'm gonna try to make a move. I shuffle a little closer to her to make our thighs touch, "maybe I could make you warmer." I mumble the last bit as my nerves get ahold of me but fuck I did it, I flirted with her. I noticed her looking at me, it was weird because I thought I'd creep her out but her smile was still there.

"Oh yea?" She mumbled seductively. In that low, raspy tone. Her face looks so relaxed and god I never thought I'd find that stupid accent attractive but when she lowers her voice I can't help but feel butterflies.

"How do you plan on doing that then?" She adds on, she's leaning in more now, her head is resting in her hand that her arm is holding up, she's looking up at me, the sun hitting her eyes in that perfect spot.

"Uhm... I have ways." I mumble to her nervously, I don't know what to do, some part of me feels like I should just give in and kiss her right now but I can't, maybe she's just fucking with me. I notice her pushing herself up and now her face is just inches away from mine, is this even happening?

"And what are those ways hm?" She's speaking to me in a low feminine tone, her lips look so soft and red and I can't help my eyes from looking down at them from Time to time, then back up to her eyes, distracting me from the words I want to say. "I could show you if you like?" I managed to gain the confidence to say that. But now it's gone again. Now I've said something really bold and now I don't think I can follow up with it.

Oh fuck she's leaning in closer.

*** general POV ***

Madison leans her face in just a little closer once again, she knows exactly what she's doing, the blush that's covering Celia's face just gives her the confidence to keep messing with her.

"Yea you'll show me?" She bites her bottom lip, she's excited for whatever is about to happen right now. Celia just sits there, her lips quivering as all she wants to do is kiss Madison's lips.

A little chuckle escapes Madison's mouth as she leans in next to Celia's ear, "Come on then, make me feel warm sweetie." She softly whispers in Celia's ear, making shivers shoot down her spine.

Madison places a soft kiss on Celia's neck, biting it a little.

For whatever reason Madison was into this moment, despite the signs of her seeming uninterested earlier, now she seems overly interested.

But Celia doesn't care.

She's into it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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