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I couldn't believe I just did that. I thought about turning around, but I couldn't turn away from that path. It seemed to be calling me toward it. One could only dream of what was at the end of it... Something scary? Something awful? Something wonderful!
Who knows.
I continued to follow the path. Suddenly, I heard a brushing in the bushes. I looked behind me and immediacy thought "Luke!" But, as you would guess, I was wrong. It was just a squirrel looking for some dinner. I need to stop doing that! constantly tricking myself into thinking luke is alive. I can't keep my hopes up-it will only lead to disappointment.
About a half hour later, I was still on the path. The air was cool and moist. And then I heard it- the sound that send shivers down my spine.

The wolf's howl.

I froze in my steps. I had heard howls many times before- a pack of wolves lived near our house. But, there was something about this one... Something familiar. Something I should know. And once again, my curiosity got the best of me, and I followed the sound.
I heard footsteps. I must be close to the wolf. Part of me wanted to turn back, while the other part wanted me to stay. I HAD to stay. Before I could think any longer, I saw it. A wolf as black as the night sky. My mother always told me to stay away from wolves, but I had to see this one for myself. I slowly walked toward it. I reached my hand out to show I mean no harm, and he looked straight at me. I jumped, scared it might attack, but all it did was stare at me. I looked closer at its face, and noticed it had eyes that were green as emeralds. They seemed so familiar, as if I knew them. And then I realized where I knew them from- luke. His eyes resembled those of the wolves perfectly. Just the sight of those beautiful eyes made me want to cry. I bent my head down to wipe my eyes on my shirt, and when I looked up, he pounced.

His face filled with fear as he bit into the side of my shirt. He started pulling me back down the path, back to my home. He ran faster and faster by the second. "What are you doing wolf? Stop pulling my shirt!" I yelled at him. He continued on though. Why did he want me to leave?
When we reached the end of the path, I was out of breath. I looked down at the wolf and wondered why he made me leave so soon.... And why his eyes looked just like Luke's. Could he be Luke? No way. I'm just teasing myself again! I looked down again to study his eyes, and he was gone. He was already running back up the path.

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