Chapter Three

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I woke up to Butterscotch licking my face. I sat up and put Butterscotch on my lap and began to pet her. I took a second this morning to really think about how different my life is. I mean, I did move eight states away from my family. I really miss them. It then dawned on me that I haven't really been in contact with my parents. I mean sure, I had the quick five minute call here and there, but I want to face time them. I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to my mom letting her know that I want to face time with her.  While on my phone, I made the automatic feeder dispense food into Butterscotch's dish, which she went to eat immediately. I then went to go grab my laptop to set up the call.  I had a buzz on my phone and looked at it, assuming it was my mother.


Hey I was wondering if it would be cool if I 

dropped by in about 5-10 mins to borrow 

your office. I threw one of my styrofoam heads 

at the wall and, I must have put so much stress

on the wall that there is now a basketball sized hole 

in my  gaming room that is getting replaced 

tomorrow. I need to get a video out to Adam by the

end of today, but I cant move all my gaming stuff, so

I was wondering if I could borrow your gaming room 

for an hour or two?


I don't mind if you drop by, but I will be

on a facetime call with my parents in 

5, so don't be alarmed if I'm talking to someone,

I promise I'm not weird!

Albert 🌊

Haha! Thanks for the heads up,

see you when I'm there. Thank you

so much!

I sat my laptop aside so I could change. I didn't want Albert to see me in an oversized shirt with only my underwear underneath. While I was changing, my mom got back to me saying she could call anytime. I finished pulling my shirt over my head, and quickly styled my hair in two dutch braids. After that I went out to my living room couch, and facetimed my mom with the laptop sitting on the coffee table. "Hey sweet pea! How are you?" my mom asked, her face lighting up with joy. "I'm doing really well mom, thanks. How are you and dad?" I asked. "Good as always, your father is keeping busy. Right now he is changing the oil on his car. Even since he retired, he still works himself hard." My mom said. "Enough about me and your father. I want to know about you. Have you made any friends in the neighborhood?"  my mom questioned. "I have made one friend so far, he is my next door neighbor, and his name is Albert." I said. "Ooooh, what is he like? What does he do for a living? Is he good looking?" My mother bombarded me with her questions. "Well he is really sweet, and he helped me move all my supplies into the house. He also happens to be a roblox youtuber like me, and he has 11 million subscribers . I said. "Hey, you didn't answer my last question." My mom said. I blushed and said "Albert is a really good looking guy. He is very well built with his muscles, and his fluffy brown hair is to die for." "Honey I am really happy for you. I am glad that your moving experience is good. Your father and I want to come down there this Christmas to see you and see your house." My mom said. "I also want to meet this Albert guy" My mom said wiggling her eyebrows. "Moooooom" I said rolling my eyes. "Y/N?" I heard Albert call from the front door. "In the living room!" I shouted back." Albert came into the living room and came behind the couch so my mom could see him on the screen. "Hey thank you so much for letting me use your space!"  Albert said. "It's no biggie. You know where the room is, right?" I asked. He nodded and walked to my gaming office, and closed the door. "Wow. You better get a piece of that." My mom said. "ugh mom, I don't think he will ever date me. Now I have to go because I have loads of groceries to get, and I need to continue designing my merch." I say. "Okay sweetie, talk to you later. Love you sweetpea!" she says and hangs up. I close my laptop and walk over to the front door. I bend down to pet Butterscotch who is at my feet, and when I stand up I grab my car keys. 

*Time skip to Y/N bringing back groceries*

I brought all my groceries inside and put them away in my large fridge. Just then, Albert walked out of my recording room. "Thank you so much for letting me use your space." He says. "It's no problem, anything for a friend." I say smiling. He smiles back. " Hey I heard what your mom said on the phone. I also heard what you replied back." Albert said. The smile instantly fell off my face as fear took its place. " How about I take the time to prove you wrong and pick you up at 8 tonight for a date?" He says. Alarms were signaling throughout my head. Never in a million years would I have thought that Albert would want to take me on a date. Especially since we just met. "That sounds great! Where will we be going?" I ask. "How about I take you to a spot I know. You don't have to dress nicely and you don't need to bring anything. Just bring yourself." Albert says with a loving smile. "Alright then, its a date." I say. " A date indeed." Albert says as he walks out of the house with a huge grin on his face. I guess I have a date in 7 hours.

1008 words

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