Chapter 2

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     "Hurry, they'll be riding out soon!" Kallista, Queen of the Fairies, rushes her maidens to help her get dressed.

     "Which one your highness?" A maiden hurries out.

     "The customary one. That one there; that represents the night sky," The Queen wildly points. A couple maidens fly over from the wardrobe with a fine black-gold-silver laced gown dawned with small pearls.

     "This is a bit exciting," whispers one of the two maidens helping with the dress.

     "Yes, and do you believe the handsome King will finalize the custom when he returns?" responds the maiden styling Kallista's brilliant deep auburn hair.

     "Abigale!" The Queen blushes.

     "Do you think they'll have a wee lad, or a bonny lass?" Abigale giggles to the other maiden, who's helping finish up the dress, while Abigale braids and pins Kallista's hair.

     Queen Kallista curls her mouth into a sly smirk as she begins to tie her corset.

     "Your highness, let me..."

     "I got it Abigale! There is a certain way!" The Queen quickly snips out, "Please, dear, just focus on finishing my hair," her tone changes when notices Abigale's reaction. Kallista ties the front of her corset on her own, 'Just how mother used to make it,' she remembers when she was a sprite. Letting out a calming exhale, Kallista says, "Alright ladies, let's get all of you dressed now!"

     "Yes, your highness," They all say in unison, with most having tones of endearment, yet some are forced.


     The Fairy King, swaggers out to the castle's courtyard balcony. In front of him, lined up in several squares, of twelve by twelve, are his royal guard.

     "Ah, I see you've been fitted for your new armor, your highness," The Royal Armorer floats in next to Niall using his wings. "How does the bladed wings fit? I had the dwarven smiths designed it to be for defense and attack!" The armorer's lanky fingers, that match his build, caress the metal blades admiring their craftsmanship; also his decision making in the design.

     "A little snug, Archibald," Niall responds, twisting and stretching his bulky, yet built frame, "But it is not uncomfortable, so I guess I will get used to it,"

     "Very good. I also commissioned the royal family's tribal designs, with an added badge of the royal mark set on the left breast. Instead of the center of the chest as the original plans showed. Hmm, I'd say it's definitely stunning and regal," Archibald enamored with his own cleverness of the look.

     Approaching the King and the Armorer, is Ian, the Captain of the Royal Guard. He joins them on the balcony.

     "Ah, looks like you got a pretty new outfit too," Niall jests looking up at Ian, who's tall as fairies go.

     "Got to look the part, if I'm to run this circus," Ian responds in kind, while fixing his short strawberry blond hair blown by a gust of wind.

     "Well, you were highly recommended from your uncle, and knowing him, you should be able to handle this, so called circus. I see that they've integrated your families black and red marks into your armor," Niall says admiring Ian's new armor design.

     "Yes, Sire, we wanted to make sure those who enter the ranks from commoners' heritage, are honored," Archibald explains with a smile, then gestures how it compliments Ian's family's black and red knotwork tribal tattoos that are exposed on his legs and arms.

     "Well, Archibald, the troops do look very in sync. But I got to say, those helmets are ghastly. Let's have them redesigned and sent off to the Dwarves to be remade after we get back from this annoyance," Niall responds while tightening his golden blond ponytail, and not paying any attention to the armorer's obvious disappointment.



     With echoing clammer of heels, Queen Kallista leads the Courtesans of Tir Na Siog, adorned with magnificent flowing sparkling dresses, swiftly down the hallways. They arrive at one of the castle balconies that overlooks the road out of Dunbhaile. Floating, in almost a synchronized fashion, they beautifully settle like flower peddles, into three circles in a triangle formation, representing the royal mark. They stand ready to traditionally bid the King, and warriors, farewell on their journey.

     Her deep emerald eyes illuminate and twinkle with girlish excitement as Kallista spots Niall swiftly walking to his horse. Gazing intently at his every move, she sees his distinguished round scruffy face and smiles wide to him, and initiates a goodbye wave. The rest of the ladies behind her follow her lead, and wave at the troops. Some wave back, some whistle, a few hauler out calls of endearment. But Niall, distracted by his thoughts on this annoyance he must endure, misses the Queens unveiling, and mounts his horse.

     A tight grip wrenches a knot in the Queen. Some courtesans notice, leaking out sounds of shock, though others seem to snicker. 'This happens too often. I've come too far.' Kallista clears her throat. The bright smile shatters into a frown. Kallista closes her eyes. Hope bleeds away. Some of the snickers, seem to multiply. She breathes in, then pauses. As her eyes open, she watches Niall ignore her. "Never again," she says quietly, yet sternly.

     "Come on, lads! Mount up! Let's go stop a battle!" Niall shouts orders to the troops. Mounting in unison, they ride full gallop toward the city gates. Some crowds gather in the streets to cheer on their King and brave soldiers.

     "Servant, off to my left." Kallista calmly, yet coldly, starts her order.

     "Yes, your highness," Abigale answers timidly, seeing the heart break in the Queen's expression. 'The Queen has never referred to any of the maidens as "servants," before.'

     "Gather my things. I am going to the southern lake house." The Queen replies in an unwavering tone, as her stare is transfixed on the King as he exits the city gates. Holding back the tears that so desperately want to fall and chase after him.

     "Yes, your highness," Abigale responds bowing her head.

     "Also, bring some parchment and a quill,"

     "Yes, your highness,"

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