chapter 1

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My best friend, Gayarti, is a Model. Isn't that awesome? She's been my friend for over 8 years now and she took up modeling at only 12 years old! She's got photo shoots every other day or so but shes a really popular girl! I see her on billboards around Mumbai and sometimes I see her face in stores. Though, it's sometimes weird walking around casually and seeing a face i know almost everyday but im just so happy for her. Recently, there was this little coffee shop that opened nearby. I heard it's a I brand new company and Gayatri is one of the advertising models for the shop, letting her get a free gift card, isn't that cool? Anyway, Gayatri invited me to come with her, just to try it out. I agreed because I could go for a 50% discounted coffee.

I say goodbye and hang up. I'm supposed to meet up with her at 3pm today and it's already 12:30 so I'll go grab a snack and get ready. I go ahead and make some Batata Vada, which took me under an hour. It calmly scroll through my feed while eating, when something interesting pops up.. 'RJ Talents gets a new model from overseas!' isn't that where gayatri models? I click on it, interested in the header. I quickly read while eating, wanting to find out who this person may be. A paragraph later I finally found his name.. Hobie Brown. Interesting name, is it pronounced 'Hoe-bie or Hoa-bie?' maybe ill ask Gayatri, but she's probably never met him. I noticed there were some pictures of him from his old modeling company so I took a look at them. His style shocked me, he had a sort of.. What do you call it..? Right, punk-ish style. His hair was interesting as well, it was sort of like an afro but split into sections. His clothes seemed ripped up sort-of. I could clearly see his collar bone and lower abdomen, how much confidence does this man have? He had a tall, lanky look but it fit him. His piercings shocked me, the little eyebrow piercings, the nose piercing that reminded me of gayatris, the lip piercing and the fact he had one piercing on his left ear but three on his right.. Strange but different.

I looked at the time to see it was already almost 2pm. I still had two Batata Vada pieces left so i put them in the microwave for later. I decide i'm gonna go first take a quick shower. So i grab a towel and hop in the shower. To be honest i was still thinking about the Hobie guy.. Im still wondering if its pronounced Hoa-bie or Hoe-bie. Its a silly name though, wonder who named him that. Well his parents of course but why?? No cause seriously, I know hes from the UK and not like America but still, why Hobie? Thats some like '1980s lad name' or something like that.

So, i go ahead and finish and basically just dry my hair before going to my closet to go pick out some clothes. Im not looking for anything special, im probably only gonna be there for like an hour or two but i still wanna look presentable. I looked around before finding a vintage cricket jersey. It was the one from 1992 that my Uncle had given me when i was young. He told me the day would come when id grow into it. I actually havent worn it since ive moved out though. I decided that id wear it for today, plus ive got some cool shoes to style it with. I put it on and immediately become impressed on how well it looks. It almost looked brand new, I was pretty surprised to know it was from all the way back from 1992. I decide to just simply fit t with some loose pants and some sneakers. I was thinking about wearing my new New Balance 550 that i had gotten recently in Delhi after a small field trip my college took.

I major in Chemistry because i have always been good at science since i was young. And i think thats what my parents and uncle would have wanted. As i put on my socks i heard my phone ring. I sigh, putting down my sock i was about to put on and walked to my phone, with only one sock on. Oh it was gayarti! I hope shes not gonna cancel because of another work thing, that happened so often its basically why we can never hang out! I sit on my bed and answer it, continuing on with putting on my sock. "Hey Gayatri, whats up?" I say slipping my sock back on "Hi Pav! Is it alright if i bring someone along? He recently joined our group and hes pretty cool" She asked "Yeah of course no worries!" I said putting down my foot "Oh! And also! Hes kinda cute, and hes gay" She whispered, almost teasingly. "Ugh! Gayatri you know im not gay!" I say in a fake frustrated voice, "sureee... sure pav..." She says, pretending to buy it. "Im not!" I almost yell back, but i know shes just playing around. "Yeah yeah whatever, i still think your gay though but see you in 30!" she says quickly hanging up before i could respond. I laugh to myself and get up from the bed grabbing my headphones before closing my bedroom door.

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