chapter 2

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I put on my headphones and listened to Antonio Carlos Jobim as I drove through the traffic. I caught myself thinking about Hobie again though.. It was just, something about him. Maybe I'm just not used to seeing him. I mean it's so shocking seeing such a tall, British, punk styled guy walking around in the streets of Mumbai. And of course he doesn't know any Marathi but he seems to content, like how he walked to the Tuk tuk so causally . I dont know maybe I'm just overthinking all this, I mean, I just met him. Maybe I could talk to my roommate about this, I bet he could help. Plus he's got a girl I thibk he would help, and he's from overseas too so maybe it's okay. I drove for a few minutes, the traffic was still pretty bad because it was almost dinner but I was able to Threads my way infront of the traffic. As I drove I got a call from my roommate. So I awnsered it.

"Where are you man? it's almost dinner" he asked, a sound of concern from his voice "Chill out Miles, the traffic just sucks today" I said turning right "plus im almost there be patient" I heard him sigh and say "God man, thought that gang you were fucking around with in High school finally caught you." I rolled my eyes "Shut the hell up, that was just one light bump!" I said. In Highschool I was chased by local drug gang after I bumped my shoulder on one of them while running back home cause my auntie was mad that I didn't wash the laundry the night before. But, the day before I was studying for an upcoming quiz. "Haha whatever man, come home I made food, you can bring the laundry to the cleaners after." Miles said "Awh thanks man sounds good, give me 5 minutes" I said waiting in a light traffic jam "alright, by the way I ate your left over Batata Vada" he said , I cringed at how he pronounced it "Screw you" I said smiling but acting annoyed "haha whatever man, cya later" he laughed "alright, cya Miles." I said before he hung up. I continued my drive as normal. Miles came to India a year ago to go to college here. Similarly to Hobie he said he wanted to try something new. He's also all the way from Brooklyn, New York, isn't that pretty cool? He goes back every break but he brought me back some cool things aswell and I apperciated it a lot. I met him on the first week of collage, he was staying at a hotel while I was looking for an apartment and only after a month of knowing eachother we moved into an apartment together. Me and him are close and he's basically a brother to me.

I made a few turns until I finally made it to my apartment. I sighed in relief I was do happy I'm out of that damn traffic. I turned off the motorcycle and grabbed Miles drink. I was pretty tired but I'd just get a ICE caffeine before I left for the laundry cleaners. I walked up the stairs holding the drink while my hand was burning. Him and I live on the third floor so it wasn't that bad. Once I finally made it to our door a knocked on it. "What's the secret Passcode?" He asked teasingly through the door. I laughed, it was a joke between us "screw you bro! open up or else your drink will be cold!" I yelled back. He opened the door and laughed as I gave him the drink. "Thanks Pav, appreciate it" he said letting me in "of course, you should go to Phōma pārṭī sometime, they got some good stuff" I said sitting down at the table "Isn't it like, on the same road going to Collage?" He asked grabbing a glass "yeah I'll show it to you on Monday after class" I said leaning forward to rest my back. " Awh cool sounds good man." He said bringing me a glass of water. I thanked him and looked at the dish he left on the table "what's this?" I asked. It was sort of like a gold-ish yellow color, kinda like a mango. Though it smelled amazing "oh it's Crema de pejibaye, my mom made it for me before I left so I got her recipe the other day" he said looking proud "it looks good, lemme try it." I say, grabbing a spoon. I scooped some up and ate it.. wow this is fucking amazing. "Haha thanks man, didn't think you'd like it so much to curse!" He said looking happier "oh crap did I say that outloud? but I mean this is amazing though honestly" I said embarrassed but happy that he's happy. We ate for abit, talking about our day and studies.

Brfore he asked me about the coffee meetup "oh yeah it went really well but, you know how Gayatris a model right?" I asked "oh yeah she's with RJ talents right?" He asked looking interested "Yeah well she brought along this guy and he's so damn cool, hold on I'll show you a pic of him." I said pulling out my phone and going to the article I read with the pictures with him . I showed it to Miles and he looked as shocked as I was when I first saw him. "Woah his style is crazy! What's his name?" He asked "oh yeah it's Hobie Brown" I awnsered "oh hes British isnt he?" He asked with a smirk "spot on bro!" I laughed he laughed too before asking "so what's he like?" I looked up at him and said "well he's gay." He looked at me and I looked at him. The confused but smiling expression on his face made me crack up. He started laughing too and I guess we laughed for abit, maybe it was the randomness but we both thought it was funny. "Oh wait wait -I was gonna say- next week we're gonna hang out together" I said after laughing for abit "oh my god he's definitely gonna kiss you" he laughed "what?! I'm not gay!" I said "yeah yeah, whatever man" he laughed, sipping his coffee "you're just like Gayatri"I said, getting up and reaching over the table just to punch him. He laughed and slapped my arm away. But we weren't actually hurt, we were just messing around. I sat back down and had a little laugh before saying "hey I'm finished, this was hella good tho thanks for making it" I said "Awh yeah thanks appreciate it, js put it in the sink I'll wash it, the laundries on the couch" he said pointing to the couch. There was a black garbage bag with all the laundry inside of it.. atleast i Hope It's the laundry. "Seriously?" I chuckled looking at him "what? Better than having to carry the clothes one by one." He rolled his eyes while smiling "haha yeah whatever" I said putting my bowl in the sink. I went over to the fridge and grabbed an Ice caffeine. "Oh c'mon man that's like your second one tofay" miles teased getting up to put his plate in the sink "What? I'm tired, hey also you got extra rupees for a tuk tuk? I spent it on that drink for you." I asked shutting the fridge "oh yeah uhh.." he said digging in his pocket. He took out his wallet and I laughed "haha, still going with the Spiderman wallet?" I teased again as he looked for some money "what? I've had it since I was twelve!" He laughed pulling out 2 rupees "this should be more than enough" he said "thanks bro, I'll pay you back when I come home" I said, taking the rupees from his hand "nah don't worry, I'm js paying you back for paying for my drink" he said, grabbing a spondge "oh really? Thanks man! I'll we back in abit" I said grabbing the laundry bag from the couch "yeah 'course, make sure to come home before it becomes dark, that drug gang might come after you again " he teased "oh shut up! It's been years they probably think I moved" I rolled my eyes and opened the door "haha yeah whatever man, cya later and text me when ur done" he said "yeah yeah of course cya" I said walking out the door. I went jogged down the stairs, this time with a can of Ice caffeine and a big ass bag of laundry.

Once I'm down I sigh in relief, that was HORRIBLE. I walked out and felt eyes on me, probably cause of the fatass bag of laundry im holding but it's okay. I walked outside, the street surprisingly less busy. I went to a tuk tuk and the driver asked me where to go. I asked him to Blue Angel Dry Cleaners & Dyers in which he nodded and started the engine. I leaned on the laundry bag next to me, watching the cars pass while drinking my ice caffeine. We drove for a few minutes until we finally made it. I got myself and the bag out of the tuk tuk before pulling out the 2 rupees Miles had given me and gave it to the driver who thanked me and I thanked him back. I walked in and went straight to the ATM. I didn't ask miles for money to the laundry cause he had paid the last time when it was his turn so it was only right I paid. I got about 6,000 rupees and went inside. There, a lady greeted me before recognizing me "Pavitr! I havent seen you in almost a month! How's your auntie? How's collage?!" She asked brightly "Oh hi Ms. Acharya! It has been awhile but my aunties doing fine and collage has been good aswell thank you for asking!" I said, happy for the bright greeting she smile and nodded and asked for the clothes in which I lifted the trash bag on the table. Her eyes widened before she laughed "is this all yours?!" She teased "haha no, this is my roommates" I laughed thinking about Miles "roommate?! Since when have you got a roommate?" She asked shocked and suprised "oh I haven't told you yet? His names Miles and he's all the way from America!" I said happy by her interests "ohhh that's who that young man is! His broken marathi always got to me!" She laughed, I laughed abit too, while it was kinda mean, it was true. "Yeah yeah he's abit new but he's a good guy, anyway how longs the wait?" I asked leaning on the desk. She typed abit on the computer before telling me "You will have to come back tomorrow morning at 10am" She said looking up at me "okay sounds good then thank you ms. Acharya!" I smiled "of course, tell your auntie I said hi!" She asked I nodded and smiled.

1859 words
Felt like I could've done abit better on this one but ion know what else I could've put lmfao

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