we don't fall in love but stand in love

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Writer's pov

The both couples walked to the airport , aurea was dressed in a long coat and boots while the CEO was all dressed in a fluffy sport wears

People around admired them , some snapped the both of them  they really looked perfect together

They reached on top of the airport area  a private plain was already their wanting for the both aurea was nervous it was her first time to see a plane close or even to travel inside it , but her true reason why she was over nervous Is because she was terrified by aircraft her late uncle who loved her too much died inside a plain ...... Plains ain't dangerous !! She encouraged herself as her paces were closer to the plain

Aryon was quietly observing her " is she afraid?? She looks terrified " he thought
Without warning he stopped on his tracks and she followed him confused on what was wrong " are you terrified by aircraft??" He asked

She nodded " yes. ........ My uncle died on a plane ever since I can't face any aircraft whether parachute or any other I am deeply nervous " she admitted

He smiled and grabbed her hand , aurea blushed " you really look like my child right now , don't worry my child I am gonna protect you " he said jokingly

She frowned while trying to take back yet hand which was tangled to his " get out you ...... I am a well grown woman , see can a child ever be so wide like me?? Huh ??" She asked annoyed

" Wide ...... What do you mean ??" He asked feigning not to understand her

" Tsk !!! Forget it ..... I am sure you knew I was terrified by this but still you still did it !!! Why most you always force me in everything" she said dramatically

Aryon rolled his eyes and dragged her inside the plan " ship up !!"

She tried to resist but he is strong " plz. .. leave me I don't wanna die inside their I still didn't achieve my life " she protested  while entering inside

" Really ??? So what do you want to achieve ???" He asked already seating

Without delay she followed " one to finish my university"

" Okey .... Two ??"

" To find a good job " she continued

" Hmm .... Three ?"

" Ha ??? Three ..... Three ... Three to find my true love and get married.... You know a really marriage where there's love and thrust " she said trying to provoke him

Aryon raised his eyebrows" what makes you to still believe in love ???"

Aurea looked around nervous still as soonest the plan was on air but when she heard his question she became distracted" I still believe in love coz is because of love that I was born "

" Really ??? Do you call that love between your father and mom ?" He asked holding back his laughter

She rolled her eyes " excuse me ..... I mean I am born to find love .... And from my statement I said true love coz theirs was obviously not that , it doesn't mean because my parents couldn't work out it will also happen with me , it depends .... Some people marry because of an objective just like you. ..... You forced me into marriage for your own selfish reason of revenge or perhaps something more " she said

Aryon frowned " Okey ..... Most you also involve me in your fantasy ??"

" Is not fantasy neither illusion , love is really " she responded confidently

" Okey ..... If you say so but if you get hurt don't blame anyone of your stupidity" he reprehended her

She glared at him " excuse me , to believe in love is not been stupid just because you didn't find the right partner it doesn't mean love doesn't exist ..... Tsk !! Why I am even telling you is only those who never loved that cannot understand what love is " she said

Aryon grabbed her hand angrily" what do you mean ???? Are you insulting me or what ???"

"  It hurts ....... Stop that ..... Hmph !!I said learn how to love first and after that you will know that love exists yes "

" So tell me have you ever been in love ??" He asked

She shook her head " plz ... Let go off my hand , I have never " she answered

He left her hand and chuckled " no wonder you were talking any how , the worst mistake for you to ever do is to fall in love " he said while looking down

" Kakakka ..." She laughed

He looked at her confused" what ?''

She looked also at him " that was your first mistake ..... We don't fall in love but we stand in love " she said triumphant coz Aryon fell silent but his eyes were still looking at her

He signed " it doesn't matter anymore "

" Hmm .... What ??" She asked

" Your stupid plans .... now you are my wife and you are not permitted to think of leaving me " he said

She turned his face towards her " you most be mad ...... I am not gonna stay with you forever I also have a life of my own I am not made for you neither you for me , I told you I don't wanna be in a relationship where there's no love , trust and respect". She said in a manner that he never saw her speaking before

" You better listen to me ...." He muttered " I-" when he was about to continue the doors opened and th both looked at each other shocked

" Young master we are here " the pilot shouted and the both stood up in silence without looking at each other

aurea looked at Aryon who entered inside the car " what is his problem ..... I don't love him. ..... I don't want to stay with him any longer " she thought while clenching her fist angrily

" Are you not coming in ?" He asked bringing her back to reality , aurea rushed inside " even if you don't want me I will still not permit you to leave me  I don't care about feelings" he thought

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