Last Human On Earth

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It was June the 8th 2013 just a beautiful normal summer Saturday in the town of Roygnorth, kids playing and laughing in the town and everyone knows everyone else, people take the time to stop and chat, catching up on each other's lives and sharing stories and laughter.

I was reading a book, drinking my coffee feeling dizzy that day, it was a really stressful week for me to the point where there were some days I couldn't remember, so much was going on. So I had to just lay all day, relax and do nothing.

Everything was perfectly fine nothing indicated that something would happen, life just was how you want it to be.

until...... the sound of traffic, talking of people and playing of kids suddenly stopped!! Complete utter silence in a heartbeat.

I sensed there was something wrong, why would the town get silent?!! I rose from my chair and made my way to the nearest window. Peering outside I said 'no way!!' as my eyes widened in disbelief from what I saw!!

everyone had disappeared!! The streets that had been bustling with life moments ago now lay empty, it was as if a switch had been flipped, the streets were empty like a ghost town! Everyone disappeared like something ripped off the soul of the town.

I was scared genuinely scared, I called on my wife 'Amanda are you here?!!' didn't expect a respond and I didn't get one, without further hesitation, I raced outside, my heart pounding in my chest, desperately praying that what I was witnessing was a figment of my imagination, a twisted hallucination born from my exhausted mind.

I just panicked and started to go to every house knocking on every door in this old silly little town and there was no answer. The disappearance was real. Everyone had vanished without a trace, leaving behind empty homes and unanswered questions.

I didn't know what to do! I was hearing my own heartbeat that's how scared I was. 'Why me?!!' I asked myself, 'if everyone disappeared then why didn't I disappear with them?!!'. I ran back home and I rang the police, maybe there's hope? But as expected there was no answer.

'ok so the entirety of the human race has disappeared, what am I gonna do about it? I've always wanted that as a kid but oh god this is not how I imagined it would feel, what do I do?! What do I do??!!!'.

After a few minutes I went outside and started walking, to search for signs of life beyond the boundaries of Roygnorth, clinging into the tiniest bit of hope that there might be someone out there! I called and screamed in vain, all I could hear back was my own echo.

Hours and days passed and as they passed, I started to lose hope and just accept the fact that there was only me in this world and I didn't know where would that lead me.

Of course, I had to just go to stores and get every single type of food out there, whatever I wanted!!! unlimited shopping!! and yeah electricity was off so night wasn't my favorite time of the day. The only light there was the gentle glow of the moon.

The first days were not that bad, there was something to think about, something to keep my mind busy with but oh god it got lonely which is the single worst feeling ever. The absence of human connection gnawed at my soul.

I was living without a purpose, in fact I wouldn't call it living I was just existing, it felt like there was only one day but put on repeat, it was so unbearable but I was doing everything I could to survive.

Through the struggle I found solace in the small victories. Nature became my silent companion, and I sought solace in the beauty of the world that remained. the rustling of leaves, and the gentle flow of the river became my symphony, a balm for the ache of isolation.

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