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Anonymus req : Could I get some husband or boyfriend sanji headcanons

A/N: I've never done headcanons before so this will be a first for me. Hope you like it.

SANJI: Boyfriend/Husband Headcanons Sfw

• This is a man who will love every part of you from the beginning

• You honestly can get him to do anything for you

• Will cook anything for you, want Chinese food he's gonna make it as quick as possible. The man is your very own portable restaurant

• If we are talking about comfort and helping you love yourself better, he is the best will literally tell you to think more highly of yourself. If you have self-esteem issues do not fear Sanji is here.

• Will help clean and he will do most of the cooking unless you convince him to let you do it for the day.

• Praises everything you do, makes everything you do sound like an achievement (not in a mocking way but more of a everything this woman does deserves to be recognised as greatness)

• The chessiest man you could ever have as a boyfriend would be the fluffiest guy in the room

• Ready to protect and sacrifice himself for you if need be.

• Insults Zoro the moment he talks to you for more than 5 min

• As a husband Sanji would definitely spoil you rotten like I said before anything you want done he's got you covered

• Will use pet names like darling, love of my life, honey, my sweet, sugar plum, princess etc.

• Idk why I feel Sanji would come up with some of the corniest pet names ever

• He's N. o1 supporter and hype man

• Sometimes a bit clingy but don't mind him that much he's makes up for it in all his good qualities

• Basically treats you like a Queen

A/N: don't forget to comment and like🙃

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