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DOFFY: Boyfriend/Husband Headcanons Sfw

• Honestly not the best guy to date or even marry, he radiates toxic vibes in all honesty.

• If you were part of his family before dating him as in executive level well then, all the things below maybe avoided but that's a big maybe.

• Let's talk about this man loyalty in general, well if it was on a scale of 1-10 then it's a 4, like this man could be immensely loyal. But at the same time, he can be a dick (let's not lie to ourselves that he would love only us) so to get back at you he would hook up with others and if you try to leave him, he would lock you up.

• He would honestly use you for his own benefit I feel like he would leave you if you outlived your usefulness.

• He is manipulative in the relationship, has control issues.

• Will make you believe he loves you and when he cheats will somehow convince you back into his life.

• Now that we have covered his flaws lets talk about his pros. Can someone scream SUGAR DADDY, this man will provide in everyway for your physical needs I mean he is loaded you will never want something and not have it. Best op character

• Will give you a measure of freedom, as mentioned before he can be manipulative, so he will make it look like you have immense freedom when in reality you don't.

• If you are loyal to this man, he will not betray you as long as you don't do the same

• He will treat you like a QUEEN. He is literally a monarch, but he will honestly spoil you if you obey him

• If you are the type who don't follow rules, he will tolerate it when you do it to others but don't disobey him

• Respect the executives and you are safe.

• Marriage with this man is a fifty fifty. If you do manage to pin him down, then consider yourself lucky

•As a husband will do almost anything for you, at that point you've managed to get yourself a simp. I can only see him marrying and being loyal to someone he truly loves.

• So a sure fire way to know doffy loves you is if he marries you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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