Chapter 1

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Home. Is it even real? If it is then I don't have one and this will never be mine.

I walk out of the cool air of the airport into the dusty streets of Rajasthan, quickly sending a text to Tia that I reached. I was looking around for a taxi when my eyes fell on a familiar face, one I haven't seen in years. A smile spread on my face almost instantly as I walk over to him.

" Ramu Kaka!" I exclaim, giving him a side hug. He simply wiggles out of my hold and tries to take my suitcase in his fragile hands. "Wow! You see your favourite girl after years and this is the first thing that you do" I shake my head thinking how some things never change.

"You know that's not the case" he smiles, getting into the car while I put my luggage in the trunk. "Then tell me what is" I say getting in the back. "Well, you know it."


"How long did your Nanu convince you to stay this time?" he asked. " Pretty long if you ask me" I saw his eyes gleam at that, until I said my next words. " I'll be leaving as soon as the reception is over tomorrow."

"You're barely staying for a day" he stated.

"Maybe we all can have a bonfire tonight?...Like old times?" I asked hopeful. " You are forgetting that all of us here are not getting any younger, also your Nanu is not doing well at all" he said. I hummed thinking how weak Nanu had been sounding over the phone for the past few months.

The silence lasted for a while until Kaka announced that we had reached. The gates opened to a modern looking mansion. As we drove through the drive way I noticed the changes that had happened since the last time I was here. How the garden was maintained better, how there was an extra figurine in the lawn, how the guards were different, plus the fact that the entire place was lit up with lights and lanterns, even though it was almost midnight.

The car came to a stop by the enterance. As I got out, I could hear the laughter and shouts from the backyard. I got the luggage out of the trunk and headed to the place I hate the most. Ramu Kaka showed me to my room and left for the night but not before telling me the way to Nanu's room.

I got into Nanu's room only to find the lights switched off and him fast asleep under the covers. I walked over to him and gave him a light kiss on his bald head, before pulling his sheets up and leaving the room as quietly as possible.

I stood in front of the mirror, putting on my earings. My raven hair was curled. I had done light makeup with bold red lips. I needed that bit of confidence.

My light blue lehenga looked gorgeous with the sequenced blouse and layered lace sleeves. This is probably the only good part of this day.

I was just about to pin the lace dupatta when a knock sounded on the door.

"Come in" I called out.

A maid stood there catching her breath. " You are called to saheb's office." Probably to lecture me on how my behaviour with the guests should be.

"I'll be there" I said picking up the dupatta again.

" He wants you there now" she said emphasizing on 'now'.

I threw the dupatta over my shoulder and followed the maid until she came to a stop in front of a door that said office with a gold plate. She knocked on the door and left while I heard a 'come in' from inside.

As soon as I walked in, my eyes immediately fell on nanu sitting on his wheelchair. A smile graced my face until I saw my so called parents standing beside him with a frown on their faces.

"You called?"

I folded my hands over my chest waiting for my 'father' to answer.

" I have never asked anything of you" he started. I scoffed. He turned around to glare at me. " I still wouldn't if it wasn't for our reputation on the line" he continued.

" Can you get to the point?" I asked, checking my blue nails.

" Your sister had cold feet and ran away from the wedding and we want you to marry Ritvik."


The silence in the room was deafening. I sat on the couch opposite Nanu as everyone else had already left.

"Are you really going to sit there and say nothing?" I asked, getting annoyed.

He sighed and wheeled himself closer to me. " I know you are upset"

" I knew coming here was a bad idea" I mumbled.

" I would never ask you to do this, my baccha, but I would like it if you would agree. Ritvik is a good boy. I had initially thought of this marriage for you but the moment your father got to know who he is, he wanted your sister to get married to him. This is just a business deal for your father but for me it's years of friendship. I feel he was meant for you baccha that's why things turned out this way. It's the wish of a dying man."

I huffed. This is bad. Nanu knows I can't resist his emotional card but this is my LIFE.

" Nanu, you know I can't say no to you"

" I just want to make dure you are in safe hands before I leave."

" Nanu, you are not going anywhere, not for a really long time."

He sighed. " You know that's not true baccha, and when the time comes I don't want to leave you with these wolves. I would never be able to forgive myself."

I held Nanu's hands in mine. " I can handle myself, you know that right?"

He sighed, " I know that baccha but I wouldn't want you to live like this anymore. I want you to have people who will love you and whom you can love. Please." He gave me his puppy eyes.

"Give me some time. I'll think about it."

" And she needs help as soon as she landed" he dead panned.

" I need a favour"

" Ofcourse you do"

" Find her. Find her before this wedding happens."

"On it."


" Tia, find everything you can on Ritvik Singh Rajawat."

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