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"Have a nice day" Robin wished the customers with a sour expression.

Matteo didn't blame her, his legs were sore from standing so long and his wrist hurt from the periodic scooping. Steve had taken over trying to sort through the refrigerator at the back which had left the two at the counter.

As soon as the kid and his mom moved away, they revealed standing behind them, a small child.

He grinned, showing off his teeth (or lack thereof). His curly brown hair was long enough to reach down his neck in the back and was squished on top under a green and yellow hat. Matteo almost asked him if he needed help to find his mommy. But he couldn't find it in himself to be mean to the sweet kid.

The boy tugged on his backpack straps and greeted them, "Hi"

"Hi" Robin exchanged a look with Matteo.

Play nice he mouthed at her.

"I'm Dustin" He pointed to himself as if that explained everything.

"I'm... Robin"

"And Matteo"

"Pleasure to meet you" Dustin kept smiling. Truly, how could he muster so much joy? Matteo actually admired that, "Uh, is— Is he here?"

"Is who here?" Matteo stuck a trial spoon in his mouth. Mmm. Brownie.

Steve burst through the door as if summoned by magic. The confusion and stress of working minimum wage vanished from his expression the moment he lay his eyes on the curly haired kid. He threw his hands up and laughed breathlessly, "Henderson"

Dustin couldn't help bursting out laughing too.

Robin and Matteo watched them interact with twin expressions of judgment.

"Henderson!" Steve did a little jump like an excited child as he moved from behind the counter to the other side "He's back!"

"I'm back!" Dustin agreed, brimming with similar enthusiasm, "You got the job!"

"I got the job!"

Matteo watched Steve play a hand trumpet as he all but danced over to the kid. Matteo had seen a lot of secret handshakes, even invented a few of his own, but watching Steve and his kid do some weird little star wars lightsaber duel with equal parts laughter and craziness was definitely the weirdest he'd ever seen.

Still it was kind of nice to see how excited Steve was, how truly happy he looked to meet Dustin after presumably a long time.

No. Matteo shook his head. Steve was annoying and people like him never changed. Still, he had to admit, Steve no longer hung out with Tommy H and Carol like he used to. Fourteen year olds weren't that much of a step up, but they were at least better than the people he used to hang out with.

"How many children are you friends with?" Robin stared at him. Matteo elbowed her in her ribs.

"If Steve wants to be a mother, who are you to tell him he can't?"

Steve just glanced at him thankfully, but didn't seem to catch the joking tone. He just pointed at the two before sighing and ducking his head in embarrassment.

"Can you guys handle the counter?" He asked, "Dustin and I have a lot of catching up to do"

"Yes, go hang out with your weird children" Matteo rolled his eyes, "It's not like you have a job and these aren't working hours"

"Thanks, I appreciate it"

"I was being sarcastic" For some reason, talking to Steve always brought out a snarky side to Matteo.

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