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"Get your hands off of me!" Robin was screaming well before she was tossed into the room.

Maybe it was her screams that made Steve try to open his eyes. He had all but given up as the soldiers dragged him from his holding cell. But now, he found a newfound hope. Robin was alive.

His shoulder screamed in pain as the guard holding him tossed him onto the floor. He was in so much pain, he couldn't even protest, just crumpled like a ragdoll.

Robin fell next to him, squirming and kicking and fighting. Steve was glad she didn't look like she had been hurt a lot, at least not as bad as him. As vile as the Russians were, thankfully they were somewhat gentlemanly.

Steve noticed weird details in the meantime. The room felt too much like a doctor's— like the pediatrician Steve used to go to with his mother when he was younger, like the dentist he went to when he had a cavity, like the surgeon's his dad had gone to to get a kidney stone taken out. What kind of doctor though? He couldn't determine that.

Harsh white spotlights were trained on them from somewhere above. They made spots dance in his vision. Several patient chairs were strewn to the sides, tools and metal medical carts as well.

"Hey?" Robin said softly, turning to shake him.

Steve let out an intelligent response that sounded something like— "uhh?"


"Alive" He mumbled, "Still fucking kicking it"

His mind raced like his heart did. It hurt to talk, but he managed, for Robin's sake. Every single part of his body was in so much pain he thought he might just drop dead right there. How much pain could a person endure before their body gave up? What would the Russians do to them now? Chemical torture? Cut them up? Pull out toenails? Pull out teeth?

Terrified, Steve could only shiver and blink away the tears.

"Where's Teo?" Robin asked, rolling Steve over so he was looking at her. "Steve, where's Teo?"

"I don't know" Steve managed, "He wasn't with me—"

The door buzzed and one of the guards opened it as the general from earlier walked in. He walked with purpose, a strong stride, like a soldier. He walked and acted too much like Steve's dad. He hated it.

Through his blurry eyesight, he could make out a figure being dragged in after him by two guards.

Steve's heart leapt into his throat.

Matteo looked bad. Really bad.

His face was covered in blood, like Steve's own. But he sported many more bruises than the blond. And he was basically unresponsive, probably passed out.

Hopefully just passed out and not—

No. Steve refused to think about it.

He couldn't help the way he couldn't think about anything other than Matteo. He wanted to rip every single guard in the room apart. He wanted to shove that general into a wall, make him hurt like he had hurt Steve and his friends.

His stomach clenched with the force of his restraint as he held back screams. His anger grew in him like a tsunami wave, wanting to drown all these motherfuckers.

How dare they? How fucking dare they?

Steve didn't even notice he was shaking until Robin pressed a hand to his shoulder. Now even Steve's hands were tied in the front instead of behind his back.

When Robin noticed Matteo, she choked out something between a sob and a scream of rage.

"Matteo? Teo— Fuck— What did you do to him? What did you do?"

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