Chapter 25: The Final Confrontation

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Detective Harris pulled up to the chaotic scene, the mob reveling in the satisfaction of the burning mental hospital. With a sense of urgency and determination, he rushed to the side of the building, hoping that he could still save Jacob.

As he made his way towards the entrance, determined to rescue his partner and friend, a sudden explosion rocked the building. The roof collapsed with a deafening crash, sending a plume of fiery debris into the sky. Panic and concern washed over Harris as he watched the building crumble before his eyes.

The flames that had once engulfed the structure seemed to calm momentarily after the roof's collapse. Ignoring the danger, Harris ran towards the smoldering rubble, desperate to find any sign of Jacob.

Amidst the ruins, he spotted him—a charred and lifeless body. It was a devastating sight, and dread welled up within Harris as he realized that Jacob, his partner, and the young recruit he had mentored and grown to respect had succumbed to the inferno.

A heavy sense of loss and grief washed over Harris as he knelt beside Jacob's charred body, the flames casting a somber light on the tragic scene. He had arrived too late to save him, and the weight of that realization bore down on him with a crushing force.

Detective Harris, with a heavy heart, cradled Jacob's charred body in his arms. His gaze moved slowly across his squadron who had just arrived, their heads bowed in somber acknowledgment of the profound loss they had suffered. In this relentless battle against hunters and the paranormal, they had lost a fellow hunter, a comrade, and a friend.

The flickering flames illuminated their sorrowful faces, each one silently mourning the passing of a valiant warrior who had stood beside them. In this dark and unforgiving world, they were reminded once more of the sacrifices and the price they paid to protect the world from the malevolent forces that lurked in the shadows.

(Detective Harris's flashback ended.)

As they sat there in Bri's home, the somber mood hung thick in the air. Bri's tears flowed freely, and Isaiah's sadness was palpable, yet he held an air of quiet strength. The memories of the past weighed heavily on their hearts.

In the midst of this silence, Willy's voice rose, carrying a note of anger and accusation. He turned to Harris with a burning question, "Why didn't you seek revenge on Dr. Thornton?"

The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for Harris's response. The unresolved anger and the desire for retribution had been a constant undercurrent in their lives since that fateful day, and Willy's question brought it to the forefront once more.

Harris sighed heavily, the weight of the past evident in his weary expression. He spoke with a tone of resignation, "Every trace of Dr. Thornton disappeared after the burning of the mental hospital. The case yielded no clues, and there are so many other pressing cases that demand our immediate attention. But I always find myself coming back to investigate this one and to bring Jacob's killer to justice."

The unresolved nature of the case, the lack of closure, had haunted Harris for years. He couldn't let go of the quest to find Dr. Thornton and hold him accountable for the heinous acts he had committed. The memory of Jacob, his friend and protegé, drove him to continue seeking answers, no matter how elusive they seemed.

In a moment that defied explanation, Detective Harris turned on his God Eye ability, and his gaze fell upon the impossible sight of Jacob, leaning against the wall. An overwhelming sense of astonishment and disbelief washed over him as he saw his fallen comrade standing before him.

Jacob, with a calm and understanding expression, moved away from the wall and approached Harris. He placed a reassuring hand on Harris's shoulder, a silent gesture that conveyed acceptance and forgiveness. In that profound moment, it was as though Jacob's spirit had returned to offer solace and closure, showing that he held no hatred or resentment toward Harris.

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