Chapter 1 - Another House

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Tommy was used to this. He had messy, slightly dirty blonde fluffy hair, and he had some jeans and a white and red baseball shirt. He had a few scratches on his left arm, and a square white bandage on his right elbow. He was sitting on a colorful rug on the floor, and the worker lady Maggie was speaking to someone who wanted to adopt Tommy. "She's gonna tell them everything that's wrong with me and they're gonna go away." He thought miserably. The lady who had decided to foster Tommy a week ago, had dropped him back off yesterday, saying he was "insufferable" and "too much". It was Tommy's fault, he should've asked before he grabbed a glass of water. All he remembered was her screaming at him and beating him. Then the next morning she had dropped him off without a second thought...

"Tommy? This nice man Phil and his two sons are here to see you!" The voice startled Tommy out of his memory, and he flinched at the sudden noise as he looked at the door where Maggie had called to him. There stood a man with beach blonde hair, wearing a green and white hat along with a green robe/blazer thing (idfk).

Along with him were older boys, one looking more excited about this than the other. The eager one had brown curly hair, slightly unkempt, with a yellow sweater, some jeans, and some brown shoes. The other one had pink hair done up in a long braid, a pink sweater over a plain white shirt and some pants and black shoes on.

"Hey! Nice to meet you Toms! I'm Wilbur." The eager one said, walking up to Tommy with a smile. Tommy shrank a little, looking a bit scared and overwhelmed by the boy. The brunette seemed to noticed and took a step back, him smile fading ever so slightly for a second before going back to normal. "Sorry buddy, didn't mean to scare you."

The other boy was stood on the other side of the room not really getting close and just avoiding talking to Tommy at all. The pink boy unnerved Tommy, he seemed to be watching Tommy's every move. Tommy, subconsciously, started to scratch at his thigh lightly through the jean fabric. The two boys and their father could already tell how anxious Tommy was, just by his rigid posture and wide eyes. Phil came over with a small smile, being slow so that he didn't spook the boy. "C'mon mate, grab your stuff and let's get in the car and towards your new home, alright?" Tommy nodded and left to his small room, looking around at the sparse area. He grabbed some clothes, shoving them in a small backpack, and started to head back, but he stopped as he caught something in the corner of his eye. On the floor next to his bed were a few colorful fidget toys, he had left them out after playing with them this morning. Not "playing".. thought Tommy, mentally kicking himself. He was a big kid now, he didn't need any toys!.. Right..?

"Just in case.." Tommy muttered as he walked over and picked up the toys off of the floor to put them into his backpack. Just as he picked up the toys, Wilbur decided to knock on Tommy's door and enter his room. Tommy flinched when he heard the door open, and froze for a second, feeling embarrassed. His back faced the door, so he did his best to discreetly put the toys in his backpack, cursing the fidget toys for being so damn colorful and bright.

Wilbur walked in, saying "Hey Tommy! Dad said to check if you needed any help with anything, do you?" When he looked over at Tommy, he immediately noticed the toys in his hands, no matter how desperately Tommy was trying to hide them. He picked up on Tommy's embarrassment and refrained from laughing or smiling, and acting as if he didn't see the toys. Once Tommy had closed the bag and looked over at Wilbur nervously, Wilbur acted like a clueless fool. "That's all you're bringing? No toys or anything?" Tommy shook his head, and Wilbur repressed a smirk at the relief that flooded Tommy's eyes. "Nah, you're a big kid huh?" He said with a small smirk. He was going to like this kid.

Tommy walked out of his small room with Wilbur following close behind, glad that Wilbur hadn't noticed the toys he put in his backpack. He didn't want him to think he was childish, or worse: he didn't want him to be able to bully him about them.

They piled into the car, Wilbur called shotgun and blamed it on his long legs, saying they needed space. Techno grumbled something under his breath and rolled his eyes, getting into the back seat. Tommy followed after him, not saying much. Phil tried to make conversation every now and then, but he never got much of a response from Tommy, mostly one word answers.

After about half an hour, they arrived at the house. Although it was a nice house, nicer than any houses Tommy had been adopted into, he tried to repress any surprise. Phil led Tommy upstairs and into a room at the end of the hall. "This is your room, okay? You can let me know if you need any clothes, bed sheets, or anything else!" Phil gave him a small smile, trying his best to make Tommy comfortable. Tommy just nodded in response and went in the room.

He couldn't help but gasp when he went in. It was huge compared to his room in the adoption center. He tried to resist smiling, but his face rebelled and a small smile appeared on his fave. Phil smiled, he was relieved he could get a good reaction out of Tommy. "Well, I'm leave you to unpacking. If you need anything, I'm downstairs." With that, Phil waved at Tommy and went downstairs. Tommy looked at the room and sighed before beginning to unpack. Don't get too attached, you'll be going back to the center soon, just like you always do..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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