solid ground

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solid ground

my poppy darling, my troubled ivy angel, my highland evergreen

who gave you a better sun, who made you dream in vibrant colours after i took the blue out of your heart and who was worth breaking mine on a cold winter's night?

who fits better in your arms than i ever did, whose lips are lovelier on yours than mine and who is more devoted to giving their skin to you than i was?

heavy dark brown eyes, heavy dark hazy eyes, green eyes that i lost, you were safe in my harbour and i never told you but when you set your white sails and said your white lies goodbyes to me, i kept a part of you for myself,

to marvel at at night when your horizon grows and my lighthouse disappears out of your sight forever

who is better company at sea than me because i cured all of your headaches and vices, understood when no word was uttered and fell in love with you during a thunderstorm?

whose harbour gave you ground under your feet, more solid than mine, who knew to make you sweeter tea in the morning and who carried you when your knees gave out?

and you swore you gave me your all but i could have sworn i felt you ripping your all out of my chest one night and giving it to somebody else,

i could have sworn you lied to me in the name of freedom

and, my friend, i could have sworn you ignored my burning skin for years 

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