Sudden Arrest Chap.18

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A Few days later....

You were with Furina as you joined her for some tea and cake, The Hydro Archon had quite the sweet tooth and all of the pastries she'd ordered were the finest In all of Fontaine, as you got to know Furina better she was very witty and had a love for the dramatic but she seemed a tad bit misunderstood just like Neuvillette. It didn't seem like it but Lady Furina tried her very best although from the times you'd seen her In trials even she had a fair share of tongue tie

"Thank you for taking the time to have tea with me, your boss said he didn't have time"

you smiled, "Well...he is the Ludex, he's the busiest man In Fontaine"

Furina sighed, "I know, I know and I'm Focalors so I'm twice as busy as he"

"Busy enough to have time for a tea party?" you asked

Furina didn't know what to say, "I...well...Don't question a god's time!"

you giggled as you poured yourself some more tea, just as Furina helped herself to another slice of cake as she happily started to devour the dessert with a smile on her face 

you started, "Lady Furina"


"I have something to ask you, about Neuvillette"

Furina put down her cake, "what would you like to know?"

"He seems...lonely, even though I'm friends with him It seems like he's still distant somehow"

Furina thought, "Well...he's always been lonely"

you looked down, "I there a reason?"

"It's because he's not your average hu- I mean, he's never had many he can trust except two notable people...Carole and Vautrin who were his subordinates a longtime ago"

just then Furina shook her head as she reached for a Macaron, but then all of a sudden the door's opened with great force as several Gardes made their way into the room 

Furina turned, "What's going on, what is the meaning of this"

Esmond rushed over and knocked the Macaron out of her hands, "Don't Eat that Lady Furina!"

she stood up, "How dare you! do you know that was m-"

"It's Poisoned" he said

Furina's eyes widened, "What!?"

you stood up in shock, "oh my"

just then two other Gardes came into the room, "We found this In the room of Miss (Y/n)"

Esmond took out a little bottle and Inside there was a purple liquid, you furrowed your brows as you didn't recognize what It was and as Furina scrutinized the vial he revealed It was Poison

Furina let out a gasp, she then turned to you " tried to poison me?"

"Of course not I'd never do such a thing, I don't know how that got there bu-"

"Silence! I trusted you...but little did we know that you have an evil heart!" she said

you shook your head, "Lady Furina I would never!"

Furina pointed at you, "Gardes! Seize her at once and take her to the Fortress!"

they seized you and restrained your arms behind your back, taking you out of the room by force as you tried to plead your Innocence but It was all In vain as you were forcefully taken away 

"Lady Furina please It wasn't me!"

just as you saw Neuvillette coming down the hallway, he halted his steps as he saw you

"What's going on here why are you taking away my aid" he asked

Esmond started, "Monsieur Neuvillette, Miss (Y/n) is under arrest we received a letter from a one Lady Ines saying that she was forced to plot with her against Lady Furina"

Neuvillette furrowed his brows, "What?"

"we're to take her to the Fortress at once"

you shook your head, "Please I didn't do It!"

they started to drag you away but Neuvillette went after you, just as Furina held to his robes

"Where are you going don't tell me you're on her side, no one's above the law Neuvillette!"

Neuvillette clenched his fist, "I know but I don't believe (Y/n) would do such a thing...Release her at once"

The Gardes looked to each other, just as you looked to Neuvillette "I didn't do It...."

"I believe you, which is why I'm going to personally find out who's framed you"

Furina was taken aback, "Framed!?...Fine! have her find an Attorney and we'll take this to the Opera House"

"Do you mean to press charges Lady Furina" he asked

"I most certainly do! she won't get away with trying to kill a god!"

Neuvillette let out a sigh, "Very well...a trial will be arranged a day from now, (Y/n) you'll be allowed to choose your attorney"

you and Neuvillette locked eyes with each other, you knew his hands were tied and that he couldn't be partial to you no matter how close you had become. tears started coming to your eyes as you couldn't believe this was happening, you knew you were Innocent and yet the situation was that you had been framed with a despicable crime that you'd never commit

you were soon pulled away by the Gardes as Neuvillette looked on, he clenched his fists as he also furrowed his brows now feeling like he'd failed you once again but he promised he'd get to the bottom of this. he wouldn't let you be put to death or falsely accused of this crime, with these thoughts he pried himself away from Furina as he hurriedly went to his office as he summoned the Marechaussee Phantom to Investigate the truth.

Love Between the raindrops, Neuvillette X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now