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I was finally back home after having a wonderful day with Leopold.

As I moved to my room, someone caught my eye. It was that blonde maiden from before, Annie.

Normally, I wouldn't have bothered to give any attention to the woman, but the way she constantly checked her surroundings made her seem very suspicious.

Not only that but she was headed for an area that was out of bounds to servants of her status, only maids who've gained the trust of the late Alfred Kaz and Grisha were allowed in that area.

What is she up to?

I stayed a few feet behind her so as to not draw attention to myself as I tailed her. The blonde then stopped as she stood before the Greenland Chamber.

The Greenland Chamber is a large building-but compared to the actual manor it would be considered quite small- that held all there was to know of the manor's history, Maria's history and the line of Duke's that came before Grisha and Alfred.

Though the Chamber lacked actual confidential information about the city it was still forbidden to servants.

"Really took your sweet time, didn't you Annie." The husky voice of Reiner filled your ears. You watched as the trio gathered in front of the wooden doors of the building.

"Did anyone see you come here?" Bertholdt questioned the girl, and she shook her head 'no'.

Stepping out from my hiding spot behind a corner, I made my presence known. "L-lady y/n!" The green eyed boy stuttered, making the other two turn to me with wide eyes.

"I believe when you were employed, you were all briefed on every area of this land?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, of course, ma'am." Reiner responded.

"Then I am quite confused as to why you three are standing in an out-of-bounds area. Get back to your quarters immediately."

"Yes ma'am, please forgive us." Annie's lifeless voice spoke out as the three bowed and then scurried off.

I loathe speaking so harshly with people but there was just something about those three that made me seriously doubt that they were only here to serve Grisha.

The feeling has been gnawing at me since the first time I saw them. Whenever I was around them, their words and the way they acted screamed, pretentious.

Not to mention that Bertholdt was always shaking whenever I eyed him for too long.

They've got some kind of ulterior motive, and I want to figure out what it is.

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