1- First Crush ~Rewritten~

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~Quick note!~ Im re-writing this, but I will try to keep it as similar as possible to the original. I will be leaving the old chapters up! and they won't be edited at all, so if you want to read the original you can. 

Im thinking it will only be in third persons view for now on, unless I decide differently. And im going to make the chapters longer... but please let me know if you liked the short chapters.

"Cole honey, Come on! You're gonna be late!" Cole's Mother called from downstairs. "Give me a minute mom, Im coming!" He called back, while stuffing his backpack full of his school books, He slung it over his shoulder and ran down the stairs, almost falling. Cole then went to the door, "Dont forget your lunch!" His Mother called out, tossing it to him. "Thanks!" Cole ran out the door and to the bus stop.

Cole runs to the bus stop, and then almost misses the bus by a second. Thankfully the bus driver notices him, stops and then lets him on. "Ha, Almost missed it." The old man at the wheel said with a laugh, Cole nods, breathing heavily before making his way over to his seat. "Hn." He let out a sigh, "That was a close one." Cole looked at Zane.

"Hm, Yes, It was." Zane nods. "You know, Zane you're like.. really serious all the time." Cole says with a shrug. "Oh, Is that bad?" Zane gave him a confused look. "I mean... I guess not really.." They then both talked for the rest of the ride to school.

~•At School•~

They slowly made their way off the bus, everyone was pushing and shoving so they wouldn't be late to whatever class they had to be at. Cole and Zane both made it to class, and was almost late. Cole sat in the back left corner, closer to the door so he could leave quicker and Zane sat right in front of him. 

"Good morning everyone, please quiet down. We have a new student. Please be nice and welcome him." Mrs. Robbertes said to the class. The boy she was talking about walked in the room, stopping in front of the class.

"Tell them your name." She says nicely, "O-Oh, Well.. I- Im, Jay Walker.." His eyes darted around the room nervously. The room was silent for about a minute, until a loud crash was heard. Everyone turned to look at Kai who made the noise; it was his chair hitting the desk behind him. 

The boy in the desk behind Kai looked around scared. "Oh my god! JAY?!" Kai semi-yelled, "Kai! Do you really want detention that bad?" The Teacher asked with a small frown.

"Ah, Wait.. H-He was shocked a- and happy to see me! im sure he didn't m-mean to!" Jay said with a slight blush of embarrassment. The Teacher gave him a weird look, skeptical that what he was saying is true. "Fine, Only this time though. And Kai, pick up your chair." She made her way to her own seat. Jay then went to sit next to Kai, "I'm so happy that you're here!" Kai whispered to Jay as he picked up his chair and sat back down. 

"Kai." Mrs.Robbertes said sternly,

"Sorry Mrs." Kai looked down.

"Okay, Everyone Get your books out and Turn to Page, 137." She told the class.

Cole glanced over to Jay, 'Shit, He's really pretty.... Wait what.?' He questioned himself silently, 'No, no.. that's crazy.. He's not pretty..' He took a look at Jay then quickly looked back to his papers. Cole nervously looks up and starts taking notes again. Although he didn't like school his Mother would be mad if he failed his classes to the point he's only got F's...

Cole's eyes shifted to Jay once again, "Damn..." He cursed under his breath. Turning away. 'One quick glance..' He told himself, looking at Jay. "I do not like him." He said under his breath, His eyes then met Kai's. "Shit." He looked away fast, Kai now definitely knows that he was looking at Jay and he could now say anything he wanted. Cole put his attention back on the front.

~•At lunch[after class]•~

Kai and Jay got their food and made their way to the cafeteria. Finding seats that work, they sat down together. "Uhm, K-Kai?" Jay said looking around cautiously, "Huh? Yeah?" He asked while eating. 

"Do you happen to know the guy that was... Uhm, looking at me?" Jay asked, before taking a bite of his food, "Ohh, The one with the black hair right?" He asks with his mouthful. "Yeah him.." Jay's eyes quickly scanned for him then quickly looked back at Kai when he spotted him. "That's Cole, I can tell him to stop. If you want." Kai said giving him a smile with his mouth full.

"That'd be nice, thanks.. It's nothing against him I-it just makes me feel weird..." Jay rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah of course." Kai smiled again, "Oh and do you... uhm maybe like the blonde guy that sits like two seats in front of of you?" Kai choked on his food a bit. "W-What? Why would you like ever think that?!" Kai cleared his throat looking off to the side. "Well... You kept looking at him.." Jay giggled as Kai turned red and covered his face.

I know its not much longer but it is longer! I hope you like it just as much as the original.. I tried to make it more detailed and I also want to thank my sister, who is my beta reader.. so thank you sis! Anyway I will slowly get more out there I hope I wont get writers block.. Im exited to start this again!

PEacE ouT fOr NoW <33


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