Chapter 00

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" Let's stop this, "   he said with a blank face. No emotions can be seen on his face. I signed and looked at him in the eyes.

I knew this would happen.

I knew that sooner or later, he'll leave me.

I looked back to how we started, from the moments we shared together to the moment i knew he cheated on me. I looked back to the pain he caused me.

" Okay "

I felt my heart shrinking. Miguel has always been my ultimate love. He defined every little happiness I have.

" That's it? You're not gonna stop me? "

Miguel, really.

I met him during my highschool year. He was so sweet and charming, too impossible to not be loved by many. He showed me pure love, love that evolved throughout the years.

We used to be so happy.

Then that happened ...

" What? Did you actually expect me to beg? to hell with that. "  I replied reluctantly. Maybe i was so tired for shit.

He started to get furious. What? the audacity of this asshole. I shouldn't have talked to him, just wasted my time.

" Sienna "

" Fuck off Miguel! I knew there's something going on with you and Missy! I knew you were cheating on me all along! don't make me feel so stupid! "  I almost shouted.

I hate people who tries to deny something that you already knew the truth of. It's fucking absorbed.

He stayed quiet, facing the floor like he's counting how many tiles has been used.

" Let's break up "  I said, looking deep into his eyes. He doesn't deserve me.

He smiled then walked away.

For the past few years of being together, I felt renewed. It felt amazing to finally cut him off. I was hurt but I know it's just for a little while.

Remembering the days where I cried my heart to sleep, I knew that our story ended already.


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