princess liana

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Lia was a stunning college student with a passion for art. She had a bright future ahead of her, but all of that was thrown into chaos when a strange phenomenon happened to her one day.

It started with a strange feeling that swept over Lia, and before she knew it, she was no longer on a college campus but in a palace.

The palace was grand and beautiful, but it was empty, and Lia was alone. She wandered through the halls, trying to make sense of what was happening to her.

It wasn't until one day, when she was wandering through a forest, that she met the prince. He was charming and handsome, and Lia fell in love with him.

They spent a lot of time together, and eventually, they fell into a deep, passionate love. But their love wasn't meant to be.

The prince was betrothed to another girl, and he had no choice but to marry her. Lia was heartbroken, and she struggled to find a way to break the spell that had taken over her life.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and Lia became a housewife to the prince. She lived in the palace and did whatever it was that he wanted her to do.

But despite all of the luxury and comfort she had, Lia couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. Her heart was heavy, and she couldn't get rid of the worry that she had been forced into something she didn't want.

One day, the prince summoned Lia to his chambers. He sat her down and revealed the truth to her. He had been forced to marry her by his family, and he couldn't take it anymore.

Lia was shocked and heartbroken. She had lost everything she had ever wanted, and she didn't know how to get it back.

The prince begged Lia to leave with him, but she refused. She wanted nothing more than to leave the palace and never see the prince again.

But something inside of her changed that day. She realized that she needed to find a way to break the spell that had been cast over her life. She knew that if she stayed with the prince, she would never be free again.

Lia packed a small bag and left the palace with the prince's blessing. She walked away from everything she had ever known, and it was a painful, difficult journey.

But in the end, Lia found a way to break the spell that had been cast over her life. She found her way back to her passion for art, and she found her way back to her former self.

She never forgot about the prince or the life she had left behind, but she didn't let those memories define her. Lia became a successful artist, and she lived a happy life, all by herself.

Each day, when she looked back at the palace and remembered the magic that had been there, she felt a bittersweet sadness. She knew that she would never forget the love she had shared with the prince, but she had made the choice to move on.

Lia learned that sometimes, life isn't always what we want it to be, but it's always what we need. She learned that sometimes, love can be a cruel and twisted thing, but it can also be the best thing in the world.

Lia's journey was painful and difficult, but it was also filled with love, hope, and a chance at happiness. She had been forced into something she didn't want, but she knew that it had taught her something valuable. It had made her stronger.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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