- 4 - I won't let you get away from me

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{Chonlatee's POV}

When Akk yelled at me and left me behind, I was mad at first but on the other hand, I understood that my questions might have been too personal for him and... I couldn't believe I actually asked him to date me!

I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't talk to me again... I just said the first thing that came to my mind when I saw him again.

With him... I don't feel tired pretending I have to be someone else's support while knowing that person wouldn't do the same thing for me... Yes, I talk about P'Ton.

When I returned to his and his friends' condo, guess who I found there.

His tongue was having a great time in his new girlfriend's mouth and they didn't even notice my presence. I had to cough to make them stop but they continued in it right after I left the room.

But surprisingly... my feelings for him are slowly and slowly fading away. My heart doesn't ache that much and I'm not even jealous anymore. I just feel tired of those unrequited feelings I had for a really long time.

I locked myself in Miriam's room who had a part-time job today and looked at my messages.

"Ahh... he didn't call me..." I tried to call him but he didn't pick up even once.

I sent him several apologizing messages but he was really avoiding me. He saw my messages but didn't find time to reply or didn't even want to.

"How can I contact you when you completely ignore me...?" I sighed.

The next day at my uni we received a project for volunteers. It was about presenting our university for future engineers and we should pick one secondary school to present it to.

It was my chance! I picked Suppalo. The professor was against it at first because he wants to avoid their system of teaching students but because I was the only volunteer, he let me sign for it.

I won't let you avoid me, Akk. I made a whole presentation just to meet you again.

"Students, our school was picked for a university project that could lead you to your future decisions. Chonlatee is a first-year student of The Bangkok University of Engineering. Please welcome him." They stood up and Akk immediately frowned at me. I just smiled sarcastically and when I was giving students sheets to my presentation, I leaned closer to Akk.

"Will you please stop avoiding me now?" I whispered and he shrugged. I seriously love his reactions.

After I finished my presentation, I received a big applause from everyone besides this one naughty boy.

Their teacher thanked me and during their break, I stopped Akk in the corridor.

"You are still here? Your presentation is over so you don't have anything to do here now."

"I just came to apologize... I understand how much is this school important to you. I also studied hard just to get to my university... and I want to say sorry I tried to make you see me as your potential lover... that was really pathetic when we don't even know each other for long. It's just... I had a crush on someone who never liked me the same way and I wanted to finally feel wanted so I rushed things with you... I'm seriously sorry about that." He calmed down and leaned against the wall.

"So it was about this... I thought you wanted to use me just so others won't make fun of you anymore."

"Wait... you thought I just wanted to sleep with you?"

"And no? After you learnt about my secret, you paid me more attention out of sudden so I thought-."

"No way! I'm not this kind of person! I was sincerely worried about you because you looked really stressed and I wanted to spend more time with you... we can be just friends if you hate the idea of anything happening between us..." I played nervously with my fingers.

Born To Meet You | AkkChon | FirstKhaotung fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now